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Fuse Popping Tracking


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To solve this or address it, I have a sled design that can be 3d printed and epoxied into the inside of the Hammond box, so that it creates a non-conductive mount for the chip.  At only 1.5mm thick, it will not take up much room and also has screen alignment build in.  I will give it a test to see how it goes.  I have to get a box to get the button thickness correct. 

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I don't know if this is worth anything but I had some voltage leak when I lightly had my lips on my drip tip it's only a light leakage I had it connected to my PC but when I brought the mod inside from the shop I couldn't feel it I plugged it in to charge and still couldn't feel it it was odd. Buy the way it's in a ABS box

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Laguz75 said:

I don't know if this is worth anything but I had some voltage leak when I lightly had my lips on my drip tip it's only a light leakage I had it connected to my PC but when I brought the mod inside from the shop I couldn't feel it I plugged it in to charge and still couldn't feel it it was odd. Buy the way it's in a ABS box

Vaping or not vaping during the leak?
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Not vaping, but I can't tell if there's leakage when I'm vaping I did have the device connected to escribe, Sunday evening I'll try to connect it to my PC and see if it leaks. Like I said, charging from the wall I don't feel it, vaping it not being charged there's no leakage it was odd

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I've tracked it to my laptop, that's what's causing the voltage leak, it will leak with the data and nondata usb cables. And it doesn't leak on the wall charger.



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I'll try plugging my DNA 25 in and see if there's leakage, but why is there 12 volts leaking and not your avg USB 5v leaking. I figured it out it's when my laptop is being charged, when it's running on it's batteries there's no leakage.

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