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Triade DNA 250 Temperature Control Stopped Working

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I recently got a Lost Vape Triade DNA250 and was enjoying the temperature control on it. Earlier today it stopped working and either said temperature protection or would read a ridiculous temperature of 41 thousand degrees. My build is dual SS316L Aliens and I have a CSV from steam engine for the profile. Does anyone know what the issue could be? Thank you in advance for your help.
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Most likely a connection issue, check the coils are clamped down well, or possibly the coil loops or the different wires are shorting between each other when they get hot, also the in built 316 profile should be good for that no need to go to SE.  Try triple twisted when you get a chance it is far more reliable than claptons with great flavour.

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It is getting inconsistent res readings, I have only seen the myself a couple of times and both were cured by tightening the coil screws.  The tightness will change as the metal expands and contracts with heat cycles, complicated builds are more susceptible and with the low tcr of ss a small change in res makes a large difference.

Where I mentioned shorting in the my previous post think hot spots.

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For me personally I do use a custom curve for 316L I find after about 6 puffs close together the temp is out and not giving a good production. And three twisted is about as complex as I go on temp control flavour for days and simple enough to not have to worrie about issues with the build messing with temp control

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Temp control has always been finicky on every device I have used especially with the complex builds I like to use. It works perfect with simple round wire builds and twisted but once I start getting into multi-core claptons and aliens things start to get a little weird. It works maybe 50% of the time now that I unlocked the ohms and got the right profile set

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Yo @Quagmicah, have you tried one of your multi-core fancy builds as a single coil, with ohms unlocked? Room temp atty on a room temp mod to start. You might be pleasantly surprised.

@NayBray what do you mean by custom curve and temp is out? Can you do a 'print screen' when you start (pack, temp, temp set, cold ohms, live ohms enabled) and it's good, then another when it's no longer good. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

As an observation from user incompetance (mine), was using a Smok G2 on a Triade 250, with a SS316L 26/32awg dual clapton coil, 8 wraps 3mm diameter. The restistance should have been about 0.3 ohms. This build i have used in other tanks (Smok S2, Griffin 25+) without any problems (nice coolish vape for me at about 200 degrees C).

This time it was doing exactly as the OP's Tirade was doing. Stripped the build checked tightness/touching etc. all the usual things. Nothing was working EScribe was basically showing a flat-lined resistance (and slightly higher than my coil calculator was predicting for the build and it's normally pretty accurate). To cut a long story short it actually turned out to be my stupidity when cleaning the G2. I had not taken the removable deck out to clean the connection (on previous usage I had some leakage of a sugary eliquid [user error]) and it was giving me a highly unstable ohm reading.

Once this was cleaned and I had rebuilt the tank it worked as expected. Moral of this tale keep your gear clean (especially if there had been "user error" :) involved when it worked before)

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