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Help! DNA75 Hotcig DX75 Not USB charging


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As topic says i cannot USB charge the device - this has happened since i started using the escribe software.

I can access the device via the usb cable and can upload data to it etc but after using all my usb cables including a few that are used for daily recharging of devices (known good) i cannot usb charge this dna device.

Oh and escribe is a mess and i may have enabled/ disabled something that is causing this.. is there anything i can download to import via escribe.. using Samsung 30Q battery.. all i want to do is be able to charge again and not have to fiddle with this tedious battery cap every time i need to replace the battery! X/



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Tried that numerous times with no luck.

Mind you that is with it connected to pc and escribe whilst enabled, and also via 1amp wall adapter and a 1amp usb hub that i use on a daily basis for charging devices.

I am wondering if there is a profile difference between the latest dna75 service pack (2016-06-05.sw-update) and the factory one.. is there a way to revert to what this device came with??!

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@sams......if you watch your battery line, in Escribe's device monitor, you should see the voltage "blip" (move slightly up, around 0.01v's) if you click between "enable and disable USB charging." this should tell you whether or not the charging IC is activating or not. or find and inline USB meter like i have. that's a sure fire way to tell if you're drawing any current.

if you select this option this will also turn OFF you USB charging capabilities.

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Its weird because i can upload and change settings to the device, it says it is connected too just cannot charge! This is soooo frustrating.

Is there a Evolv personal that can look at the data for this device under my account that i am logged in with to Escribe? Same email address as used on this forum profile is used there.

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I had a look and the micro-usb slot appears okay? Tiny space though so not 100% sure. Windows alert jingle chimes in when i plug it in to the pc and out, the charging indicator on the button is flashing its just not charging!!

Assuming it is the micro-usb slot, how hard is it to replace it? Is it a part i can source from Evolv?

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I pulled it apart to inspect and everything appeared to be okay so i reassembled it.

Popped a freshly charged samsung 30q battery in and connected it to PC.

Heres the odd thing it was saying 95% charged but the green (fully charged LED) was flashing for a few seconds then it went back to red LED?

I am wondering if it may be a battery profile i need for Samsung 30q on the dna 75?

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If the LED is giving you a indication that it is charging, then the board is receiving voltage from the usb cord. Are you stating that it is not charging due to the % on the battery indicator on the device screen? If so, it could be because the battery profile is incorrect for the type of battery you are using, which can throw off the indicator. You can either run the battery analyzer (recommended) or plug in the profile attached...

csv Samsung_30Q.csv     

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