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Everything posted by EricHill78

    Great theme! I can tell a lot of work was put in it. I just had a quick question. When in replay mode I noticed that the watts are still adjustable. I went ahead and vaped at 1 watt and noticed the vape was weaker. Does adjusting the watts in active replay affect the saved puff?
    I really enjoy the theme. I like the solid battery bar up top. Its easy to glance at it to see if I need to charg’e or not. I also like the menus. They are easy to navigate.
    I really love the look of your theme. I do have a question. When in replay mode how do you adjust the wattage while in that profile? I see I can switch to watts and adjust the watts there and find a good puff. I take a puff again in replay mode then I'm able to save it. Is there a way to adjust watts while in the replay mode? That would be great. Thank you!
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