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File Comments posted by CMK

  1. Regarding WARMTH:

    As far as I can see, the set power (watts) for the DNA chipset ALWAYS represents the maximum output power - regardless of whether in TC or REPLAY mode (boost and preheat are a separate topic).
     For example, if you're using an RDA and storing a puff on relatively dry cotton, the performance on newly wetted cotton won't be enough to achieve the same result. With "Warmth" you have the possibility to provide more power.
    However, since this has sometimes led to VERY bad results (for me), I have been allowing a correction of the (maximum) power in my themes for some time, even after saving.

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  2. first of all: my english is exclusively due to the google translator...

    I am very pleased that you took my criticism to heart and delved very deeply, looking for the basics for a long time. My statements about the competition between the two systems were based on memories of a past discussion, which I unfortunately couldn't find anymore.
    Because of this, I have now again carried out tests and graphical evaluations.

    Contrary to the earlier discussion, I have to concede today that the two control systems do NOT seem to compete, but that REPLAY clearly dominates, lying above temperature control.



    As can be seen from the second graphic, it makes no sense to change the target temperature when replay is activated - which you have also prevented in your theme (as far as I understood your description correctly)

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  3. Response from the author:

    Thanks for checking it out.

    I've heavily edited the menu. I kept the same layout style & a similar look to the icons but all spacing, font size, every icon & every bar is reworked. It looks similar but it is not. For example non selected bars may be black rather than maroon or vice versa. They may be longer or thinner, etc. That's just the tip of the iceberg. It took re-sizing & re-colors even if it's not immediately apparent. Also, under the profile setting you can change the material to Watts on any profile to not get a false positive. Replay or TC is definitely not broken. I purposely set some profiles to a temp-sensing metal to get people to fool w/ Replay on this. It can be set to Watts within the theme in the profile menu or via the profile shortcut on the main screen. I've been playing w/ several different coil builds the last 2 days & testing Replay reliability when mixing wire types. I understand (I think) your saying you don't want material changing options without the profile changing them or any way to get TC or Replay to engage without the chip doing it. That's up to Evolve. I personally find said control safer than allowing the chip to decide alone. Especially when building coils that are using 2-3 different metal types. The chip never knows what they are. In my humble opinion it's a useful setting. I've gotten some reliable TC out of some combos that I wouldn't have without this option. I realize I could delete the control but I personally use it. While most people don't use TC at all I feel that if someone is going to go through the hassle of downloading themes they will probably have a grasp on TC & can navigate it accordingly. I think Evolve would strike the option if they found issue. That's just my stance.

    I don't take offense to the review at all. It will hamper the theme from being seen in the future as users like myself will sort by highest rated but themes rarely get reviewed at all so so be it. It's fair given that I've used the Material-ish style of menu. Just understand the amount of work to get it where its viewable to my satisfaction has taken enough time to where I could've built an entirely new menu. I didn't want to do that as I've used a variant of it for 5 or more years. It's just what I'm used to & proficient with. Again, it had to be re-worked quite extensively. Even colors in all states are very viewable. That's rare on here in my experience. It's at a point where it could easily be my own menu if I changed a font style or a few icons but it works for me. The original design was special imo. The 3 bottom shortcuts always made sense & are easy to see outdoors. That said even those are reworked to look perfect when highlighted & not just in a color. Notice the border. No need to reinvent the wheel. I have similar experiences when using the default theme variants. I'm not a fan of someone slapping on a wallpaper & saying it's new.

    I have toyed with the idea of building a color changing version based off the default theme or a souped up version of the default as a starting base. It's allot of work though & I'm less familiar with it's functionality. It took allot of crunching to get this version within the chip's tiny memory constraints.

    I will agree with you in that I liked the color toggles vs a sub-menu but I've added so many colors it's no longer feasible. On all mods/all chips I've always been a fan of color options which is why this theme exsists & is what it is. It's a worthy trade off for me. As I lean towards graphic design & beauty in my work vs. programming skills. If a theme is programmed great but a field isn't clear when highlighted or selected I'm not going to use it.

    Thanks for the review.

    => Thank you for the feedback - so I can reiterate that I am aware of the time invested and would like to expressly reward it. Back to the material selection within the theme, which is why I see this critically (even if I also allow this with my themes!): What happens when the mod is in TC mode and the user switches to a non-temp sensing material? With some popular themes, the option to switch off the temperature control afterwards automatically disappears. A weak point in the Escribe software is that no individual conditions can be created for the selection of the individual materials. The choice can only be generally permitted or not. Unfortunately, it is not possible to distinguish "if temp-protect, then only temp-sensing material". But this discussion now goes far beyond a theme evaluation and so I would like to emphasize again that I did not miss your work, your changes to the original theme. For this part:

    (if I sometimes express myself misleadingly - I'm "somewhat" unsure in English and translate everything with Google)

  4. It's not an easy task to create a landscape theme - you're too used to portrait mode over the years. It is now all the more difficult to transfer an existing portrait theme to landscape. You've opted for a side-by-side arrangement of the controls here and you've done a really good job. However, I found your screen layout in the Vape-Droid-Theme to be more creative.

    The chart display on the puff info screen should perhaps be stretched across the entire width to better display the details.

    I don't want to make an evaluative criticism, because I would also have to include the technical substructure and there I (for me and personally) no longer conform with some properties of the original theme - which neither devalues your work nor the work of Citrael target! SirTimmyTimbit has created a graphically outstanding base, there is no question about that either.

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  5. Ein frohes Weihnachtsfest wünsche ich Allen 🎄

    Eigentlich hatte ich vorgenommen, mich nicht mehr zu anderen Themes zu äußern... Aber hier sind, denke ich, einige Worte angebracht. 

    Dein Theme ist ganz im Sinne des Forums: Einige User wechseln ein Wallpaper, einmal/zweimal/x-mal und müllen das Forum damit zu. Einige User erstellen Themes von Grund auf neu, beginnend bei Null.

    Die meisten User hingegen wählen ein Theme ihrer Wahl und beginnen dies zu modifizieren - manchmal verstehen diese User nicht einmal, wie das Ursprungstheme funktioniert...

    Jetzt zu Deinem Theme. Du hast Dir offensichtlich viele Themes angeschaut, heruntergeladen und ausprobiert. Schließlich hast Du Dir aus all diesen Themes die für Dich sinnvollsten Elemente herausgesucht und zu einem neuen Theme komponiert. Das ist prima! Bedeutend hervorheben möchte ich allerdings, dass Du nicht einfach "blind" kopiert hast, sondern die Elemente verstanden und an Dein Theme angepasst hast. Vielleicht ist das der erste Schritt zu einem Theme komplett in Eigenregie? Ich wäre gespannt auf das Ergebnis. 

    Einziger Kritikpunkt: Wenn Du das Theme explizit dem Hyperion / 100C widmest, sollte sich der Battery-Screen mit bis zu 4 Zellen eigentlich verbieten - der Hyperion hat nur 1 Zelle und der 100C wäre auch gar nicht in der Lage, mehrere Zellen getrennt auszuwerten. Hier könntest Du über eine Abfrage der Zellenanzahl (Cell Count >1 = true) das "DNA 100C"-Label gegen ein "DNA 250C"-Label wechseln und das Hyperion-Logo z.B. gegen das universelle Evolv-Logo....

    PS: Es würde sich vielleicht lohnen, einige Besonderheiten in der Beschreibung zu erwähnen 😉 (Akkuwarnung, Warnung bei falschen Einstellungen)

    LG Carsten

    • Thanks 1
  6. "Response from the author:

    Thanks for your kind feedback." 

    Yes, I think it's a shame that on the one hand a lot of people download themes, but on the other hand there is hardly any feedback. Speaking for myself, I can only say that I am / would be grateful for ANY feedback - even negative feedback; this is the only way we can develop ourselves or our themes. Without feedback, we do not know whether we are generally on the "right" path ....

    • Like 1
  7. " This is the latest version of the theme that I have modified based on Lost Vape Therion DNlA 75c mods"

    .... and the next theme, which fools the owners of 75C and 100C chipsets into a power bank function, which - oh wonder - cannot be activated.
    The next theme, which in a mod with only one cell, shows the total voltage of the battery pack one below the other and then the one cell again ...

    Hey - do your homework.

  8. Long story short:
    On the battery screen, you should use the same condition for cell 1 as for cell 2, as it makes little sense and looks unattractive if the single existing cell is displayed individually under the total voltage of the battery pack.

    So, now to the power bank function: what happens if you select the menu item on your 75C chipset? Does your mod suddenly have unexpected abilities? Better, the menu item only appears if the function is actually available. To do this, you create a "hidden field" measuring 22, 22 and enter the corresponding function as a condition for displaying the image:


    And if you've done all of this properly, I'll remove my comments - deal?

  9. If you publish a theme specifically for the 75C, then I wonder why it provides controls and screens for a power bank function and several battery cells. You should expand the tags or make it clear that this theme is also suitable for 100C and of course supports the functions of the 250C (power bank, evaluation of individual cells in the battery pack).

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