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Everything posted by IVÆ

    You need to push the fire bottom in that screen,its Live screen. Best Regards Ivar
  1. Version 1.0.0


    The theme got a 24 hour clock or 12 but without a/m-p/m. You can see the real time in Main screen/vaping mode. Its made so you can adjust the wattage by 1 watt ,just a easy theme to deal with. Hope you like it. Best Regards Ivar
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is one of the most Complete Themes made by DJLsb ,With black screen and Evolve Logo. Works very good in Temp Control. Hope you like it Best Regards Ivar Isaksen
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Have done some big letters and numbers when possible. Its a 24 hour watch, You can use it in wattage and temp Control With different wire I try to make it easy to read With a black screen Thanks to DJLsb for a great working Theme. Best Regards Ivar Isaksen
  4. Please try the New Version ,thank you :-) Best Regards Ivar Isaksen
  5. Okei,thanks.I havent use it myself,but i Will do my best to fix it :-) please give it a Day or two, i will let you know when its done. Best Regards Ivar
  6. Hello, Do you use it in wattage/Kanthal Profile? If you want to delete the temp,you need to go to "Edit template " go to screen ,and select the window you want, screen 2 from the top. Then you drag out the temp to right side and just leave it there,and then you upload it to your device again. Hope you can get it to work Best Regards Ivar
  7. The update is called 1.02 and you can find it on the original on . Best Regards Ivar
  8. Hello again ! Have made the change so you can adjust temperature incremental by 1 Hope it Works okei. If there is something else,please do not hesitate to come back,i think its Nice to help if i can :-) Best Regards Ivar Evolve 24 Hour Big Letters. 1.ecigtheme MonkKay.ecigtheme
  9. Okei, Sorry I didn't know, please tell what theme,and I will try to help you I will do it tomorrow Best Regards Ivar
  10. Hello, and thank you. Im afraid thats a job for Evolve,and must be done with a New firmware update. We are running on 1.1 now. If its possible to change in the Themes,i will let you know. Have a Nice Weekend. Best Regards Ivar
  11. Version 1.0.0


    24 Hour green clock ,you can see the watch when in vaping mode. Made for Vapecig Creator 75W Color. Thanks to Evolve that let us do whatever we want With the Themes, i think this is very fun :-) Hope you Like it Best Regards Ivar
  12. Version 1.0.0


    24 Hour clock ,you can see the watch when in vaping mode. Made for Vapecig Creator 75W Color. Thanks to Evolve that let us do whatever we want With the Themes, i think this is very fun :-) Hope you Like it Best Regards Ivar
  13. Version 1.0.0


    24 Hour clock ,you can see the watch when in vaping mode. Black instead of blue, easyer to see With my 52 years old eyes. Thanks to Evolve that let us do whatever we want With the Themes, i think this is very fun :-) Hope you Like it Best Regards Ivar
  14. Version 1.0.0


    24 Hour clock ,you can see the watch when in vaping mode. Black instead of blue, easyer to see With my 52 years old eyes. Thanks to Evolve that let us do whatever we want With the Themes, i think this is very fun :-) Hope you Like it Best Regards Ivar
  15. Version 1.0.1


    Have done some big letters and numbers when possible.White This time. Its a 24 hour watch, also in vaping mode "main Screen) You can use it in wattage and temp Control With different wire I Have been using many hours on this one,so hope you like it. I do I try to set up big enough letters and numbers on the screen, so Phil Busardo can see what the f......is going on in there. ( I need it to ) Best Regards Ivar Isaksen Evolve 24 Hour Big Letters. 1.ecigtheme Evolve 24 Hour Big Letters. 1.ecigtheme
  16. Version 1.0.2


    Have done some big letters and numbers when possible. Its a 24 hour watch, also in vaping mode "main Screen) You can use it in wattage and temp Control With different wire I try to set up big enough letters and numbers on the screen, so Phil Busardo can see what the f......is going on in there. Best Regards Ivar Isaksen
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Bigger 24 Hour Watch ,you can see the watch when you are in vaping mode. Using only date and month so it becomes bigger. Hope you Like it Best Regards Ivar
  18. Version 1.0.2


    Big(36) 24 Hour Watch /12 ,you can see the watch when in vaping mode. Its made for wattage mode With Kanthal and 316 Stainless steel,but you can use different Profiles. Hope you Like it Best Regards Ivar
    This Theme is almost Perfect ,can you make one same as this but With 24 hour clock and celsius and day, month, year ,calender Europe Style, Thank You Best Regards Ivar Isaksen Norway
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