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Everything posted by 2legsshrt
I probably should have said the same type of atty but different atties same build but my wraps may have been a little looser on one then the other. Not the exact same atty. I just use KF V5's on everything with the same build. Sorry for not making that more clear.
I just wanted to thank you guys for all the help on my changeover from YiHi to DNA. Never got this kind of help with YiHi. It has really made a difference and now have 4 DNA's because of the help getting them to work in TC like I never did the YiHi. Don't get me wrong I still love the YiHi's but I love the DNA's more. Thanks again.
Maybe my mistake I reloaded the profile and didn't notice the one was set to 420F and one was set to 415 where I like it. I see a difference now and it is using around 9w instead of 7w which could very well be the .02ohm difference in the atty.
I have a DNA200 and a VT133 I am using the same atty on both. One is .46ohm one is .48ohm but the Triade is using about 8w to hold temp while the 133 is taking 16 here are the screenshot.s Does this seem right. Exact same profiles
OK thanks
Just wondering after I did it but in the manufacturers setting it had the WH set at 14.43 with a LiPo 2 cell since I'm using 2 brand new HG LG2 3000mah 3.7v I reset it to 22.2 which is what it actually is will that be a problem oh and it is an Hcigar VT133.
Got it thanks. Guess I will get it set up with my profiles. Not too hard since I only have 3 that I use and a few other changes.
That's what I have but didn't see 133 on there went from 75 to 200
Just got my VT 133 do I use the DNA200 Escribe to set it up? I figured since it has a DNA200 board that would be it but wanted to make sure.
Well it happened to me when I was updating a YiHi product and knocked out all my USB's but I got them back by going into my computers setup and restoring it. So I was just wondering but I checked it out and it is possible to disable like was said in device monitor under diagnosis and you can enable it when you are done.
Thanks I just don't like putting that strain on my computer. I had one that the USB stopped workin and I don't charge my DNA's by USB anyway.
Is thee a setting in Escribe to nullify charging when your device is connected to your computer?
Is there a setting within Escribe to nullify charging when you have your device connected to your computer.
OK I can do that I think. I'll make copies of all the receipts and put the board # on them. If its out of warranty I am not electronically incline enough to pull the board out but would definately be willing to pay Evolve to do it if need be.
I just ordered one to round out my DNA selection. Heard a lot of good things.
Do you need to register your board with Evolve just incase any problems arise after the Warranty period.
Well it took care of itself like I thought it was supposed to and readjusted the resistance to the correct Thanks though.
Is there a way to get it to reset the resistance. My attys are all built pretty close to the same resistance. I just rewicked and clean and I know it's a little lower resistance but it thinks its the same coil so it is showing .47 but I know the coil is .45. not a big diff but it makes a difference.
Retird: I saw your device monitor and see that notch coil takes a bit more power then my single coil does. If I remember about 20w to maintain. Mine at 410 only takes about 13.5-14w to maintain.
txmonkey: Actually I'm liking it at around 410. I have lung problems and that temp doesn't bother me at all. The flavor seems really good. I'm using 2-75's and 1-200 all set the same. I thought about giving it a try with a 1sec preheat of 25w and going to 20w just for the heck of it. You can adjust these things endlessly with escribe plus I really like v1.2SP3 like one stop shoppiing.
George I hear ya on joining the DNA group. I just wasn't satisfied with the way YiHi did SS but I really liked the wire. So easy to wrap and clean. With Ti the YiHi did very well but with my lung problems just thought it might be better to give the SS a try and I love it especially now these DNA's do it so well. At first I was used to the harsher vape I got with the YiHi and I thought the DNA wasn't doing it for me I had to turn it up to 450 to get the vape I was used to but once I got used to the way it works now I can vape it at 410 and get a very satisfying vape and my lungs don't hurt if I get nervous and power vape. I just really love it. It is definately a change but one for the good. I can't say enough how well I love the vape I get now with SS. How's Utah treating you?
I'm curious about the Watts setting in TC. I am new to the DNA board coming from YiHi. I used the profiles from Steam Engine for SS316L and Ti01. Since I don't use elaborate coils just a single coil .45ohms SS316L. The SE profile had a preheat in it and I sent a screenshot of my device monitor to a guy on another forum. He looked at it and said since I'm only using between 13-15w to maintain temp I would get a much smoother temp if I lowered the wattage from 55 like it was from SE to 25 and he was right very smooth vape and temp. I also got rid of the preheat because with this simple coil the 25w is almost an instant rise to temp. So should I just leave it there or do you think I should lower it to 20w. It is working pretty well here but just wondering. I'm very happy with the way the DNA works with SS and the 316L is just great for me.
By the way Thanks George. Also was wondering Lost Vapes has it set to LiPo 3 cell. I wonder if I should leave well enough alone. IDK if it got changed on the Therion or not. When I fist got it I changed it to 18650 but with that version of Escribe it gave you no choices or wh or anything if you changed it. When I got the DNA200 and downloaded the latest version it was 1.2SP3. They both seem to be working well and I have my soft cell cutoff set to 2.75. The battery bar seems to be fine. I haven't even looked at the Lavabox to see how it is set up it is also a 75. I didn't touch anything exept changed the profiles to the ones from Steam Engine since all I use is SS316L and sometimes a Kanthal head very rarely anymore Ti so I put in the SE SS316L, SE Ti01 and excribe Watts in 1,2 and 3. The SS is right on I'm very impressed with how it holds temp.