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JaI Haze

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Everything posted by JaI Haze

  1. So the old settings - Recording - Total Puff count, can we bring this back to the dna60c software? Its gone and thats the only way to see total hit count. The other way it resets every time you take a battery out. Unless you know a way around this
  2. I dont see how you got it to work, even if I run it thru terminal I cannot get it to open. Its fine ill just run it on another computer.
  3. The mac version doesnt work with Apple Silicon, it only works on the older intel chips.
  4. yea I can 100% confirm that with the coffee lake cpu's it does not work, or any of the quad cores. It does work on the mac mini and even on catalina. So whoever is coding this, if you want to make it open source or send me the files I can also help code it to be more compatiable. Not 100% sure when I can get to it, but I do have a strong coding background
  5. @retird there isnt a way to run a line of code? There has to be something to wipe the memory
  6. I have tried everything from reset stats to hard boot and restore from defaults. There has to be a way to totally reset how many hits are logged on the memory. Anyone know?
  7. yeah neither the int or the us version works for me. Its due to the cpu im using, its the coffee lake. I can get it work on my dual cpu from 2017 just not the 2018 model with 4 cores
  8. yeah ive had this problem for months now. I dont think they are going to update it
  9. you and me both, every new version or even the old ones do not work. I sent in a ticket and they told me they were working on it
  10. mine used to work, ill I updated some of the codecs on the machine - https://cl.ly/bf3240768766/2019-01-13_15-04-11.mp4 this is what happens. Even unisntall and brand new install.
  11. I figured i would show you guys what happens with the new escribe. https://cl.ly/bf3240768766/2019-01-13_15-04-11.mp4
  12. here you go brother - https://cl.ly/bf3240768766/2019-01-13_15-04-11.mp4 youll see it just crashes sort of. Again, prior to the update yesterday and on my old system no issues. I tried int versions and went as far back as sp13
  13. this was working but I got a new mac and its not working anymore
  14. I am having this same problem, I got a new mac and i cant install any version. I tshows for a second then crashes
  15. doesnt run in 10.14 beta 11, its hard to find any 32 bit app that works with mojave.
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/s/9to5mac.com/2018/07/27/steam-for-mac-64-bit/amp/
  17. There is. Mac changed from high Sierra to Mojave’s to a 64bit. Almost every app had to remake. Escribe starts but that’s it.
  18. do you know if there is going to be a release for mojave?
  19. Just giving you guys an update, the software doesnt work on mojave
  20. the problem is this happens even on default themes. It basically asks for resistance every time it goes into standby mode and I fire it
  21. I cannot find the setting to stop this from asking. Everytime it goes into standby mode, when I fire it up it asks for new resistance. I tried ohm lock range at 50% and 25% to no avail. Where is the setting to disable this every single time
  22. I was just wondering, is eVolv still being made in USA or are they outsourcing?
  23. yeah same issue with the brightness, I think a firmware upgrade may fix this in due time
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