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Everything posted by yoseff

  1. This is what you refer to? Even after new firmware we continue cheating on our beloved DNA's... Will confirm later if it still works.
  2. My Therion arrived today, and since i already had some experience with escribe, i thought it would be "piece of cake", but i had some doubts with it: First i knew i had to install the 75 escribe. After install i realize that it had overwrite my early escribe, but this one is good also for the 200 & 133 i have. It is the 1.0.56. Is that the last version, or there is a newer one?In device monitor is says version 2016-06-05. Is it good idea (or do i get any benefit) to upgrade firmware? (If there is a newer version, that is)The mod resistance was at 0. I did "shorted" with a tool i created, and that measured in atomizer analyzer 0.004. Did put that number on Mod resistance. Strange that it came at 0, right?In Battery Type it had two options: Lithium Ion 18650 and Lithium Polymer. It was at second one and cuttoff 2.75. It was supposed to be in Lithium Ion 18650, right? I also did put cuttoff at 2,66 (as i read on some post around)Did noticed that in the Materials it haves Kanthal... As it is used without Temp control, does it matters to have that? It seems the same csv for Nickel...Maybe someone already asked that question, and maybe is answered somewhere, but... Does the 75 haves the same footprint than the 200? Is there many differences in sizes? Not for now, but if it is similar sizes, this could turn to a 133 or 166 Therion in the future, who knows? Note: First i got the 200 (VS), then the 133 (EF Duo) and now the 75(Therion). This DNA "thing" is highly addictive - Really!
  3. I am not a mod builder or technician, but from what i see in the picture, you have the two batteries at different heights. That is a sled intended for series connection, isn't it? Some have mechanical reverse battery protection, but as you are working in series, at least one battery is in "the right way", and so the voltage of that battery should reach the board... I would start by check if at least 3.5 v reach the board, and if not would check where current is being stopped. Good luck, and then tell us your conclusions
  4. It depends on he amount of metal you have to heat. Claptons, Alien coils and so on, need a lot of watts to "wake up", but then it can be too much watts to maintain the heat you desire. Less watts will get you there, but then the ramp up time will be more. With preheat, you get more watts to start, and less to maintain, achieving a better vape experience. With SS316L you can have preheat, but on most of the times you will not need preheat on SS, as it ramp up pretty quick and then DNA200 will have an hard time to control the temperature due to SS316L low tcr.
  5. I am more a reader than a writer here, but in my humble opinion you are being a bit unfair. In several occasions i've seen Evolve staff (and even the owners) writing on this forum. In regard to the firmware upgrades, i am one of those who enjoy discovering that we have new firmware with more functionalities, but understand that it takes time to make good and reliable things happen. I am very happy to see that 75's are better controlling tc in SS, so i expect that in a near future we will have that (and more) on a 200 firmware upgrade. I do not feel abandoned regarding to my 200 and 133, and fully trust that this is the board to have (hum... maybe a 75 also in the near future, but dual 18650 ) And by the way... I also did learn a lot with all these crickets
  6. Usually i put at 600F, as temp is not that important for this matter. (at least i think that way, but always learning)
  7. Randall, this "cheat" is very good for high mass coils, as Claptons. Try it and if it works, you will feel a huge difference: High watts to fast ramp, and desired watts to maintain the flavour
  8. Sometimes it doesn't work on the 75's. Seems that they are getting smarter
  9. Temp is surely not right I imagine that what this exactly does to DNA "brain" is: "Hum, a TC wire. This guy wants preheat of 110w. Let's Give him. WAAAIT! There's some error! The csv must be wrong to this wire - pass to watt mode. Hum, a TC wire. This guy wants preheat of 110w. Let's Give him. WAAAIT! There's some error! The csv must be wrong to this wire - pass to watt mode. Hum, a TC wire. This guy wants preheat of 110w. Let's Give him. WAAAIT! There's some error! The csv must be wrong to this wire - pass to watt mode." And so on... Sometime my DNA gets clever and can remind what happened before, so he will give up of preheat. "You are so dumb! The csv is wrong. Let me pass to watt mode straight." In this case i will take out the tank, fire, and put it again. "New coil?" - Yes (if asked - some times doesn't). And i can fool him for some more time Please Evolv - do not make us fool our beloved DNA's. Put preheat available to watt mode on next firmware
  10. Sure I just took his answer (AND BRILLIANT SOLUTION) and turned it into a topic, so it can get the deserved attention
  11. In DNA i usually never lock temp, as that way device will refine it. Do you see any need to do it?
  12. Here you have the CSV file Does anyone have a file for the 3000mAh MXJO's? samsung25r.csv
  13. I saw an answer in other topic that i tried and it works! It deserves to be seen by more people, so i took the liberty to create a new topic with it. It will be in quote, so the person who shared it, get full credit for it: My friends: This actually is a solution, at least until implemented in firmware! To make things easier, i share here my already modded kanthal csv file. (Edit - Also added the ecigprofile i am using on my DNA. I think you can use it and modify to the preheat watts you want) Thanks gorman kanthal_Preheat.ecigpr Kanthal_A1_preheat.csv
  14. I saw this batteries http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__87986__Turnigy_Bolt_1300mAh_3S_11_4V_65_130C_High_Voltage_Lipoly_Pack_LiHV_UK_Warehouse_.html and i wonder if it can be safely used for a DNA200, and what are the pros and cons vs a regular Lipo.
  15. I imagine that my be a limitation in voltage because of the 2 battery configuration, as i used tungsteen coils (Dolphin - Ceramic) on the VS200 without any problem.
  16. Had one VS that acted the same way. It was the fire button that you press, does the click, but then you had to force it a bit more to fire. Until you realize that and apply more force, some times you ended doing 5 fast clicks and locking the device. It's annoying, but respect to VS and evolve - they always solved my problems. I'm actually with my 4th VS, and so far, so good. After the 3rd problem with VS the vendor (a friend of mine) asked if i wanted to get an SX instead - My answer was like - "No, thanks. I prefer the DNA - While is working well, is Very, Very, Good" Once they solve all the "gremlins", DNA 200 is a great board. I Think i saw some topic about how to disassemble the button to clean it and so. Dont find it now. One question to someone at evolv: Does changing the fire button to a more solid one (done by someone with more years on eletronics than i have of living) voids the board warranty? I seem to start to get a less response from my fire button, and instead of getting it back again, maybe that could be a solution... But i would not want to lose warranty on the rest because of that operation...
  17. Does anyone here use wire from them? I have clapton and 0.50 SS wire, but i cant find anywhere if it is 304, 316, 316L, 317L or even 430, and i'm having some hard time to get along with TC with them... Also cant find either a website or contact from them to inquire that. Best TC experience continues being with NiFe 48...
  18. Well... I'm in my third VS... After the previous two died. All of them are from the same time (10-15-15), but this time my issues are different: - Fire button needs too much pressure to be activated, at least compared to Ipv4 or Siglei 100w... Am i being too picky? Many times i block the device because it interrupts while firing 5 times in a row. Any of you having similar problem? I Need to press fire button and apply a bit of extra force for it to fire, after the "click" Even with extreme caution rubberized finish is coming out, and also in points without any friction. In a 50$ device "I could live with that", but this is a VS DNA200... Will i have to go to 4th device?
  19. Nice collection of devices you have there Sorry if i was a bit "sarcastic" and went directly to top handcrafted artworks, but you also putted it too simple If one day i put myself into build a DNA 200 device i will put some use on the Dremmel that is resting for much time. You start with a simple box and do all the holes and stuff by hand? The final results are very good. That seems a box i would definitely use One of my Subtanks has that base. The other one already have the new one with the holes on the sides. But your base seems quite interesting... Have any leaks? Personally i'm not a big fan of Ni200. Lately i've been using Nife48 and SS, but used Ti1 a lot. I like the VS because it's size and portability, but vapping at higher watts, that battery has not a good range. That's also a good reason for my use of a Subtank. Usually i am in the 20-25W , battery life is decent and the clouds do not scare "Regular" people. At home or in "vape at will" places, i put other tanks or drippers, but then... I Must have a charger around. Charging at 2 amps is good also because of that. Many times it is used while charging In the end, the most important is: To Vape and be Happy
  20. I have two of them on my own museum For me vapping material is like music - The Good Ones are not only the New Ones One must prepare for the "Vapocalipse" And saying that we just need "a drill, a file and a soldering iron" to build one... Can be that so simple? I do not build them, but if i wanted to build, i would try to do something unique, and that ain't as simple as that But for that, also is needed some artist hands, and i don't have that skill level for sure But i am happy with my (3rd) VS DNA 200. If this one dyes, will surely get a newer one. Maybe i just need to get another DNA200 device (Wismec is a good option) to have always one when the other get any problem Quite humble yet, but i'm building my own museum. I just started vaping for an year and 8 months... But it keeps me away from the two packs of stinkies i used before Vape On
  21. Well.. Decided not to wait and got a new - sealed VS DNA 200 from 10/15/15 . Let's see how much time this one resists Settings uploaded and ready to go
  22. Second DNA Dead... This time started with some warranty message, and then only lite the screen when connected to usb... And it was only charging at 0.09A Well, went back and now i have the option to have other from same date - What do i do? Take the risk? Or better to wait near 20 days to get one from other date? I had also the chance to change for Rx200 plus money or SXmini, but i dont see myself without DNA 200 It is sooooo good while it last
  23. Try updating firmware. Mine is behaving just like that, but i have Warranty message after being connected to escribe, and besides that it is charging at 0.09A and getting warm - So i suppose new VS to come... The second one. This one has maybe 2 weeks (more or less the same time than previous one, and both them was from same date) Maybe a bad batch?
  24. Didn't told you before as i was grieving... Well, to be honest, i did not had too much time, but things happened quite fast: Last weekend after waking up - VS full recharged, cup of water, coffee, first puff of the day, and it seemed weak... Am i sleeping? Try again, nothing... Let's go to Escribe. Plug in - No connection I want to mention that i was using a subtank with a modest SS build at 25W... Well... Seems dead. Blue light when pressing the button, but no screen and no vapor. Brief sms to shop owner - "DNA is dead. How we do?" - "No problem - Come to shop Monday. Have a nice weekend" It was his first DNA funeral, so he didn't knew how to do. Called VS, and they arranged the shipping. Today i got a phone call. "Come here and pick your new VS" So in less than a week things were solved I've been during that time with a RX200, and it is nice, but... Not the same thing. However i did start to want also a Wismec DNA 200 - With 3 good batteries i have almost a full day of vape Let's say 2 sets of batteries for 24 hours, and it is quite good The shop owner was not aware of those boards "burning", but with this service from Evolve and VaporShark, i'm not afraid to have several DNA's - If they go wrong, things will be solved. So i must say: With that service, you earned a loyal customer Anyway, it raises a few questions on my head: Did you already identified the problem source(s) that make the boards go wrong?It's a problem with some boards from a certain time, or can happen to anyone randomly?This replacement will happen for some good time, or we risk to burn it in let's say 6 months or so, and then only buying another one?May ZipCharging have something to do with that? I always charge it at 2Amps...Anyway, only after being apart from it for 5 days, i realized how i really need a DNA (or more) in my life To finish, that was very funny to see friends at vape shop with mouth wide open, as i pull laptop to configure the new DNA to my favorite settings They did not imagine what a computer may do to this devices Shop owner (and friend) was great, and VaporShark too. Hope this one lasts a looooong time (The new one is also from 10/15/15, as previous one)
  25. I agree We could be the "Android" of vapping, and have a "DNA store" to get apps, wire configurations, tank setups, and so on... P.S. - I do not have any programming skills - only crazy ideas
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