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  1. Have you ever tried using a different battery?
  2. So now is the live ohms higher or lower than the cold ohms in Device Monitor when firing?
  3. Your mod resistance of 0.15 ohm is way off from what would be expected, how did it get set to that? Default setting is 0.004 ohm so actual measurement shouldn't be very far from that. I can imagine something like 0.012 ohm but not 0.15 ohm
  4. What should I do to solve this? Your battery voltage drop. Either your cell is really weak or there is a poor connection between battery and board. If this battery works well in another mod then check that it's tight enough against battery contact. Check all battery connections are clean. With a load of 27 - 32 watts I would expect to see voltage drop to about 3.8 volts or higher with a cell that's nearly fully charged.
  5. Would you post a snippet of your device firing in Device Monitor like this one of mine? Maybe include you board and room temperatures in your post as well as your coil material.
  6. Your battery settings in EScribe should look like this when using 2 cells. Does the mod still work?
  7. I think you are right about where the problem is. Take a good look at the solder joints on the board where the board half of the JST plug is soldered on.......for starters.
  8. I took a look at a picture of it and see that the USB is a bit recessed into the mod's body. The USB plug may not be able to go in far enough. You might try carefully cutting back the plastic on one of your cables so that it can go in farther. Just a guess but I have seen this first hand before.
  9. Did it connect to EScribe prior to replacing the screen? For Windows use this version, https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP57_INT.exe
  10. I'm going to say no it is not characteristic of a DNA80C board. The board will due a pretty good job of reading the correct load put upon it. This doesn't mean the value will be correct though as there are a few connections made between the board and coil and any one of those can throw the whole value off.
  11. I'm thinking that you already have this but here is the pinout for DNA60. Double check that 13 and 14 aren't reversed.
  12. So what charger board did you use? If other than an Evolv charger board is used a resistor must be added to it.
  13. Is the USB port on the mod recessed more than normal? There have been reports of the USB plug not being able to go in the port far enough on some 3d printed mods to connect. What mod are you using?
  14. If you have connected this mod to EScribe on the computer that your using before a backup was made. You can find it by connecting to EScribe then under the "Help" tab you will find your backups under "Backups".Search by date and model from drop down window. Be sure to upload to device once you select it. While this isn't going to change the firmware version it will contain your .ecg file and theme. The .ecig file is your settings.
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