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  1. I took a look at a picture of it and see that the USB is a bit recessed into the mod's body. The USB plug may not be able to go in far enough. You might try carefully cutting back the plastic on one of your cables so that it can go in farther. Just a guess but I have seen this first hand before.
  2. Did it connect to EScribe prior to replacing the screen? For Windows use this version, https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP57_INT.exe
  3. I'm going to say no it is not characteristic of a DNA80C board. The board will due a pretty good job of reading the correct load put upon it. This doesn't mean the value will be correct though as there are a few connections made between the board and coil and any one of those can throw the whole value off.
  4. I'm thinking that you already have this but here is the pinout for DNA60. Double check that 13 and 14 aren't reversed.
  5. So what charger board did you use? If other than an Evolv charger board is used a resistor must be added to it.
  6. Is the USB port on the mod recessed more than normal? There have been reports of the USB plug not being able to go in the port far enough on some 3d printed mods to connect. What mod are you using?
  7. If you have connected this mod to EScribe on the computer that your using before a backup was made. You can find it by connecting to EScribe then under the "Help" tab you will find your backups under "Backups".Search by date and model from drop down window. Be sure to upload to device once you select it. While this isn't going to change the firmware version it will contain your .ecg file and theme. The .ecig file is your settings.
  8. I would say there may be some resistance in the path of the power from the cell to the board. I say that because you said that you tried higher current cells. You have to have the power availible.
  9. The voltage dropped to 3.1 but it still didn't hit the software cutoff
  10. Here's my 80 back to normal. This is just an example of voltage drop where the device has resonably good connection between battery and board. This mod uses a chassis ground for all grounds. That's 4.13 volts on the cell to start, fires to 45 watts and drops to 35 watts. For comparision here is a DNA60C with LiPo, note only slightly better voltage drop.
  11. There's a whole lot of folks don't get it about amp draw from the battery vs amp output from the board
  12. Better results for sure. The data sheet for the 80 says 30 amp output and max 9 volts. snippets came from here: https://www.the12volt.com/ohm/ohms-law-calculators.asp Voltage to the atomizer, not voltage from the battery.
  13. With a regulated device coil resistance isn't going to make any difference as long as it is in the range that the board is designed to operate. Unlike a mecanical mod where you run straight off the battery. Its the wattage to be considered.
  14. I'll just say this: if you want a chain to lift 100 lbs. you choose a chain that can handle 200 lbs. Also today I tested my DNA100C at 80 watts using the same model cell. Standing voltage on the cell was 4.1 volts. Upon firing the voltage drop was 3.31 volts. On this mod though the Cell Soft Cutoff is set to the default setting of 2.75 volts. 'I have created a ticket with Evolv asking why the 80's CSC is set so high. It's not adjustable in EScribe and done via firmware.
  15. So there is a problem with my comparision device, it is an early test board and is unable to run the latest firmware so the Cell Soft Cutoff is 3.25 volts while yours is 3 volts But for all other intents and purposes they are the same. Note if my cuttoff was 3 volts it would have done the 80 watts at that cell voltage. But not for long. I got throttled to 75 watts on the first on and 72 on the 2nd.
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