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  4. Hello Dears please share advice about , getting loose , soft buttons for DNA 250 C I'm sure that could be possible due to long time using the MOD , but how to make it as it was when started Guess that physical action needs to be taken , but don't know it will be so grateful to get your valued feedback Thanks & Regards
  5. Last week
  6. same thing happend to me , 2k hits and went black
  7. Did you even look through this area before posting? I think not. But look at the post title directly before yours. ⬇️
  8. anyone can help me,how to make usb doggle for upgrade dna 60
  9. Version 1.1.0


    Based on personal usage habits, we have created a Chinese theme for DNA60c. If you have any related comments, please feel free to share them
  10. If you have connected this mod to EScribe on the computer that your using before a backup was made. You can find it by connecting to EScribe then under the "Help" tab you will find your backups under "Backups".Search by date and model from drop down window. Be sure to upload to device once you select it. While this isn't going to change the firmware version it will contain your .ecg file and theme. The .ecig file is your settings.
  11. Hi All, As the title says, I'm looking for the original firmware / theme for the SQEVO. I accidentally restored it to default before I saved the theme.
  12. Earlier
  13. Screens that go bad usually develop a small white blob in the middle that grows to be a thumbprint size over time. In all my only 1 has ever done that.
  14. Wow, that is fantastic news! I didn't even know that was a thing. I'll probably do that
  15. Thanks, that worked now the mod is back in action after years I can see the screen starting to get lighter so I assume its almost EOL soon so I'm gonna try make the best of it now.
  16. Yes, I understand the problem, but in my opinion you should focus on the board temp primarily. Afterwards we'll look at resistance. Plug in the 75C mod (nothing attached to the mod) How much does the board temp rise just sitting there and not being used? Note down temp after 2 minutes and 20 minutes after being plugged in. Leave mod and escribe running. Attach Bakx. How much does the board temp rise just sitting there and not being used? Note down temp now and 20 minutes after being plugged in. Report back those 4 temps like below , and battery description. 75C Nothing attached 2 minutes (temp here) 20 minutes (temp here) 75C bak attached 2 minutes (temp here) 20 minutes (temp here)
  17. I use dry herb vapes that are called bakx from lamart. I have different ones and all work the same way. I switched them up on this mod but it doesn't work right. For example on a thelem solo dna100c they work without an issue. The dna 75c eris has something inside ( a big resistance?, that's why the cold resistance is mucher higher than it should be from the "atty" alone?) and this created the heat.. This is my theory after observation but I have no idea how this could happen.. Do you understand the problem? Because I have to describe it to the place I purchased it too.. Or is it with that information still unsure if it's the mod itself that causes the issue?
  18. What atty is that? Have you tried a different one on that mod?
  19. Like this? I set the power at 20 Watts with temperature control, but the temperature control doesn't work so it just goes full power the whole time. The board temperature was going up even at this low power?
  20. NO. What atomizer would that be? Can you do an escribe 'Device Monitor' screenshot while firing with only Power, Power Set, Cold Ohms, Live Ohms enabled
  21. Hello guys! I bought once again a new mod, a viscious ant eris dna 75c 18650 version 😃 I heard this mods have good quality.. The cold resistance reading was very weird from the start, it was reading 0.34 ohm instead of 0.24 as on two other mods for this build. I still tried to use it, and the mod got very very hot in a short time. Kinda like a short? I turned it off and took the battery out, which was only warm. I never had this behaviour before. I would say the heat source was internal on the board side and more at the top part, where the 510 connector is. Is this a known issue? Also the resistance reading was going down while firing instead of going up as on the other two mods. Like usually the cold resistance is 0.24 and when I fire and reach the desired temp it's about 0.27-0.28 but with this mod it started at 0.34 and was goind down to like 0.31. Very weird for me. I couldn't find something with a fast search. I thought I ask first here before I contact the shop where I ordered it.. Thanks in advance for any help!!
  22. So, i ve just bought something that expensive too "Hyperion DNA 100" and yall telling me I ve to replace z screen!!!!?
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Chinese Theme Eva style Enjoy~
  24. I would say there may be some resistance in the path of the power from the cell to the board. I say that because you said that you tried higher current cells. You have to have the power availible.
  25. The voltage dropped to 3.1 but it still didn't hit the software cutoff
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