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Kit dna60 Stubby not conect on PC


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7 minutos atrás, Wayneo disse:

So many different things are possible.

Try to plug in to your PC directly, not using a hub.
Try different cables.

I've already tested all the computer cables and it's the second kit I purchased, the first one works without a problem, this one just keeps loading and doesn't connect to the program or install the drive

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3 hours ago, Guedslu1 said:

I've already tested all the computer cables and it's the second kit I purchased, the first one works without a problem, this one just keeps loading and doesn't connect to the program or install the drive

It should connect to EScribe by the board alone without being installed in the Stubby too. There are four wires between the Stubby board to the DNA60 board that controls data. And something is wrong there if EScribe still can't connect by the board alone.

I have two of those boards and mine hasn't been unboxed yet. But Wayneo is right, the place you got it at is the place to go. Although Evolv by filing with the HELP DESK is another option to try if the first option fails. I think I would check those wires first. If ok, maybe they wired them to the wrong place, like getting two wires reversed.




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5 horas atrás, BillW50 disse:

Ele deve se conectar ao EScribe apenas pela placa sem ser instalado no Stubby também. Existem quatro fios entre a placa Stubby e a placa DNA60 que controla os dados. E algo está errado aí se o EScribe ainda não consegue se conectar apenas pela placa.

Eu tenho duas dessas placas e a minha ainda não foi retirada da caixa. Mas Wayneo está certo, o lugar onde você conseguiu é o lugar para ir. Embora Evolv arquivando no HELP DESK seja outra opção a ser tentada se a primeira opção falhar. Acho que verificaria esses fios primeiro. Se estiver tudo bem, talvez eles os tenham conectado ao lugar errado, como inverter dois fios.




exactly my first board I had no problems, if it connected I'll check the wires and see if anything is missing and I'll post it here again, thank you very much for now

9 horas atrás, Guedslu1 disse:

Já testei todos os cabos do computador e é o segundo kit que comprei, o primeiro funciona sem problemas, este só fica carregando e não conecta no programa nem instala o drive


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Em 24/06/2024 em 18:16, BillW50 disse:

It should connect to EScribe by the board alone without being installed in the Stubby too. There are four wires between the Stubby board to the DNA60 board that controls data. And something is wrong there if EScribe still can't connect by the board alone.

I have two of those boards and mine hasn't been unboxed yet. But Wayneo is right, the place you got it at is the place to go. Although Evolv by filing with the HELP DESK is another option to try if the first option fails. I think I would check those wires first. If ok, maybe they wired them to the wrong place, like getting two wires reversed.




Iunfortunately it only appears charging, it seems that the wires are correct as in the photo



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