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What's the difference between peak/sustained current settings for input and output?


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Hi there,

can someone explain in more technical terms what the difference between the peak/sustained current settings on the Battery and Electrics tab are?

It's not that i don't know what peak/sustained means in general but the fact that there's an input and an output setting for that. It would make sense to me, if the input current meant charging current but the numbers are far to high for that and don't apply.

The only thing that would make sense for me ist that the setting on the Battery tab is for a single cell and on the Electrics tab it's total but that would be trivial as it'd just need to double those numbers internally.

F.e.: I use 2x VTC5A in a Lost Vape Thelema. I know that they are rated for 35A peak and sustained 28A would be a safe bet.
According to my own thoughts I'd set 28A sustained and 32A peak (max on a DNA250C) on the battery tab and double that for the electrics tab, but something seems fishy to me so i thought I'd ask.
I know I'll probably never hit those numbers with my 60W vaping but nevertheless I wanna set them safely and correctly.

Hope someone can enlighten me. I can't find a proper Escribe documentation anywhere that would explain these. Maybe someone can help me out.



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Input -> Straight battery side specs per cell. Not charging.
Output -> After going through the regulator board (250C in your case)
Battery tab -> Values per cell
Electrical tab -> Combined and limited OR Totals for the output

The datasheet for the 250C shows more information but not what you seek.

There is no current more detailed explanation. There was an escribe manual somewhere in one of your folders, but last I looked was from 2016 and was only about Python scripting, but I also remember another manual, but still not what you seek.

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