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Did you connect a x.xx Ω coil?


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I have looked all over and can't find a solution that has really helped me. I am regularly getting this screen to pop up and it's getting very annoying.  I am not changing atty's and I have checked my connections.  My readings change from 0.18 to 0.195 and it asks all too often.  I have changed the lock percent to the maximum (87.5%) to try and stop this and it still displays.  Obviously the difference is not 85% but it keeps asking anyways.  I am using the default Drone BF theme with some slight alterations.  How can I make sure it doesn't ask unless it is actually a different coil with 0.3 or more difference for example?

Note: I am advanced user, meaning I am more than willing to re-measure ohms manually when I connect a new coil, if I could just get this message to stop popping up.

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It sounds like a poor connection between the board and coil. Using Atomizer Analyzer in EScribe can be most helpful. Self adjusting positive pins on attys can be problematic. The positive pin from the mod's 510 sometime gets stuck in the bottom of it's travel. Post screws need checked for tightness, ect. With Atomizer Analyzer you should be able to unscrew the atty more than just a quarter turn (approx) before reading becomes unstable,  

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On 11/9/2019 at 11:11 PM, dwcraig1 said:

It sounds like a poor connection between the board and coil. Using Atomizer Analyzer in EScribe can be most helpful. Self adjusting positive pins on attys can be problematic. The positive pin from the mod's 510 sometime gets stuck in the bottom of it's travel. Post screws need checked for tightness, ect. With Atomizer Analyzer you should be able to unscrew the atty more than just a quarter turn (approx) before reading becomes unstable,  

Out of 3 DNA mods, countless atomizers, countless builds...I have never once been able to turn the atomizer analyzer even less than a quarter without the reading changing.

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В 10.11.2019 в 8:11 AM, dwcraig1 сказал:

It sounds like a poor connection between the board and coil.

Я недавно столкнулся с такой же проблемой. Причина оказалась с сильно окисленной резьбе positive pin. При этом Atomizer Analyzer показывал разные показания при каждом подключении, но откручивание атомизатора не влияло на показания, влиял только нагрев катушки. После полной разборки и чистки атомизатора все работает отлично. 

У моего товарища подобная проблема из за трещины в узле крепления катушки. Но при этом атомизатор нормально работает с микро койлами из Khantal, с другими видами катушек проблемы???

Думаю.что @dwcraig1 прав, нужно искать плохой контакт, либо сменить материал катушек (многие производители выпускают проволоку химические и физические свойства которой не совпадают со значениями которые использует Evolv в своих алгоритмах


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