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Paranormal DNA 250C Battery Issue


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I've got my Paranormal DNA 250C from a vapeshop near my city. I Bought it at about 6 month ago.

I got an issue with my Paranormal DNA 250C
My Battery percentage in my device is detected at 4%, but when im check my battery at a charger and other mod, it shows 100%.
I have change 4 battery and still, its show 4% on my device.

The issue started at about 3-4 days ago, when my battery jump from 100% to 80%, 60% to 40%, 20% to 0%.
I try a couple time pull and put it again the battery, it's always show a different percentage (sometimes it 70%, 60% or 40%), even though my battery is 100% (checked from my charger and other mod)
Im using Sony VTC 5A

Now i cannot vaping

Is there any solution for my problem? 

Video from another user that have a same issue : Video




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Just now, dwcraig1 said:

What does EScribe Device Monitor show for the voltage of each cell?

here you go sir


At 1st Picture, its show the battery at 54%, 8V, 4.1V (Cell1), 3.9V (Cell2)

After a few minutes, the battry drop to 24%, Cell 1 is stay same, but Voltage and Cell 2 got up and down, but its normal again (8V and 3.9V at Cell2)

And the last picture, suddenly the battery goes to 80%, but the Voltage, and the cell remain same








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The voltage of the cell are measured via the balance tap at the bottom of the board. Note for 2S #2,3 and 4 are bridged to positive of cell #2, this is the preferred method. I'm not sure how Lost Vape wired theirs.

Another way is to bridge batt + with #2.3 and 4, some manufacturers do it this way. 

I think that you will find your problem with the connection between cell #2 and tap #2 regardless of which way that they wired it. Example would be a poor solder joint, ect.

2 cell 250C wiring.JPG

2 cell 250C wiring bridged tap.jpg

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Just now, dwcraig1 said:

The voltage of the cell are measured via the balance tap at the bottom of the board. Note for 2S #2,3 and 4 are bridged to positive of cell #2, this is the preferred method. I'm not sure how Lost Vape wired theirs.

Another way is to bridge batt + with #2.3 and 4, some manufacturers do it this way. 

I think that you will find your problem with the connection between cell #2 and tap #2 regardless of which way that they wired it. Example would be a poor solder joint, ect.

2 cell 250C wiring.JPG

2 cell 250C wiring bridged tap.jpg

Sorry im bad at english.

So maybe the solution is, disassemble the device and check the positive connection/wire of batt 2 to the board, right?
Is there any tutorial or video for dissamble the paranormal dna 250c?

oh and, where excatly is batt 2 position? (the one that close to the board, with positive in the bottom, or the second one that have positive in the top ? )

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