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Meaning of error codes (Kanhal max power)


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I was at a vape meet, and tried a tank that was supposed to be good at 130 W. So I set the mod to my Kanthal profile, adjusted the watts to 130, and had a vape. The DNA flashed "Kanthal max power" at me. The wattage in the display still said 130W, so there was no indication that it was throttled in any way. The vape was fine, but the owner of the tank said it felt more like 100W. 

I tried googling DNA 200 "Kanthal max power" but no luck. I checked out the datasheet, but there was no description of the error codes.

So my question is: What exactly does "Kanthal max power" mean? Is there a list of the error codes and their meanings somewhere?

My battery was a little less than half full. I don't remember the resistance of the tank, but I think it was less than 0.4 Ohm - although I wouldn't swear on it at this point.

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In escribe under the mod tab under electrical u got the kanthal max power limit set to 100.....its set to that by default so change it to 200.....also I bet the tank u tried might have been the Smok TFV4....its a bad ass tank and has a triple and quadruple stock coil....I'm ordering one this weekend

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Aha. That explains everything. I changed it to 200W and uploaded, so hopefully I'll be able to fire Kanthal builds at whatever power I want to from now on. 

I find it a bit strange that the DNA still showed 130W when it limited the power to 100W, and to be honest the limit seems maybe a little bit arbitrary, but at least now I know the explanation. Thank you! (I think you're right about the tank BTW.)

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Glad to be of help....yea I found it kinda dumb to especially since the preheat is set to 200....don't know why they set that to 100 when it's a 200 watt mod ....u can test it out on a dripper...just build say a .1 to .15 dual coil setup and it will handle well over a 100 watts..... I have a twisted messes rda with a dual fused clapton @.15 ohms and running it at 100- 120 all day all the time and it can handle 150 maybe more

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