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25A fuse question-would it fire and blow, or not fire with the wrong build.


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Hi people-I was wondering something earlier. 

I understand that with the DNA200's nominal voltage of 11.1V, and full charge of 12.6V, and its lowest charge, If I build below 0.4 the highest it hits is 20A. 

I notice that with a Nickel .13 build 80W preheat, and a punch around 6, it hits up to around 13 amps for a fraction of a second then once it hits temp drops to 7 and under. 

So, is it safe to run my DNA200 just once to test it at its full power-building below 0.4 to make sure I am 5 amps under the 25A fuse blowing. 

Say I accidentally had a standard build on there, but the power was near 200W, but above 0.4, and I didn't notice and fired, what would happen? Would it not fire-or would it fire and the fuse blow? 

I am very unlikely to do so-both devices will be used with TC in mind, the hotcig for lower wattage, the Efusion for my drippers and 80-100W max builds/coils that need that power. 

I understand under 0.4 I am safe, at 12.6V it goes to 0.7 but I would only build lower for two reasons-I would not want to blow the fuse, and I don't fancy 200W at 0.7 lol. 

So, really my question is will it not fire, or will the fuse blow? 

Thanks people, Conan.
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The board will take care of it and will only blow a fuse because of a fault and not just because you set it too high, it will throttle back power if you set anything too high.

The amps through the coil and amps from the battery will always be different, the easiest way to think about it is watts in and watts out of the board.  The board is 97% efficient converting the power so to get 200 W it needs 206.2 W, the highest current will be when the battery is at it's lowest 9.27 V, so I = P/V = 206.2/9.27 = 22.4 A.

On the coil side it has a max current of 50 A max and a max voltage limit of 9 V that will limit how low a resistance you can use at full power.

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