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Vaporshark dna200 problem


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What exact wire? (please post link)

What exact TFR CSV file are your loading in Escribe?

By default only Ni200 is installed into the DNA's firmware, and most Titanium will create 'burning / burnt taste' around 250° F ~320° F. You need to select the correct Titanium from - http://www.steam-engine.org/wirewiz.asp Titanium Grade 1 is listed as 'Titanium 1' in the Wire Builder section.

Here's a good interactive Tutorial - http://www.evolvapor.com/guide/story.html scroll down to the bottom section 'Custom TCR's.'

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The 0.4 mm CSV file is way off so don't use it, but the 0.5 mm version 2 posted on their website works fine. However, one major coiling problem is long leads, personally I wouldn't recommend any longer than 3-4 mm. Verify you're using this CSV https://www.dropbox.com/s/i9s5ca32cgxao08/SSV%20Ti-Wire%200.5mm%20Ver.2.csv?dl=0 From http://www.sweetspotvapors.com/category_s/1856.htm

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Are you certain you have the CSV file loaded and the correct Profile selected on your Mod? Reason I say this is because so many people are using the Ni200 standard profile, not understanding how to load to Escribe and upload a Profile to their Mod, and the evidence is 250-320° F is very hot on Titanium.

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Looking at your graph it appears like the Power (Watts) is set too low, for testing I set mine up to 100W the coils require ~60W (see the Power settle around ~53W). You're not even reaching the Set Temperature of 420F. Now IF it's way too hot and the Profile is properly uploaded then that leaves the Ohm's not correctly Locking. For a trial either select the [X] Ohms Locked once the Atty settles to room temperature ~5-6 minutes or preferred -- upload the settings again and choose the '+' New Coil. If an Atty gets locked at a resistance higher then the Mod actually thinks it's cooler than it actually is and the temps can get very hot.

Additionally, I'm posting (2) CSV files that have a cooler profile than Sweet Spot and you might want to try them - http://www.filedropper.com/sweetspottcvfilesjaquith

Let me know!
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  Triiiple said:

I do not have a spaced coil

Well that can certainly cause hot spots, and if you carefully pull on both ends you can separate the coils even with cotton. Otherwise rewick and use your fingernails with your 'coiler' tool. I've built them both ways, spaced is best but on Titanium it generally doesn't hot spot much. Worst is an overlapping coil. So is it working now?
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Did you try my CSV files?? Also run the Atty Analyzer, if the change is more that +/- 0.005 Ohm then you have the beginning of a resistance issue. Also some Atty's, especially RTA's, eg Kayfun V4's and there are others have extremely poor resistance stability. 

Q - What Atty is your build on?? Have you tried SSV wire on an RDA?


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Remove the Atty, if you have some Isopropyl alcohol clean the 510 on both the Atty and the Vapor Shark including the positive. You can use a Qtip but blow it out afterwards. Retighten the post screws, they have to be tight to almost the point of clipping the wires but not cutting the leads. If there's an adjustable 510 then screw it on tight. Next I'd first do a cotton burn with scraps to test at 450° F before wicking. The final wicking should be rather tight under the coil, using Kanthal is different, this helps stabilize the TC on the coil. However, Sweet Spot Vapors Ti has a flaw, long leads will GLOW so I do full wraps with perpendicular 90 degree bends off the back of the coil and keep cotton off the leads! Examples SSV Ti glowing leads http://i.imgur.com/c4skTVD.jpg 90 degree coil http://i.imgur.com/GFq8BZ3.jpg

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Keep in mind I don't own that RDA, but I looked at some of the images. As I mentioned the posts must be tight, and I noticed the positive has what appears to be a hex screw which is equally as important. I assume everything's tight and the positive post won't budge if pressure is put on it. I also assume you have another Atty to try, so I'd find one where you can build a single coil to try. Question - is your Atty a Clone or Authentic? Does the SSV wire work okay on a different Atty? It seems apparent the problem isn't in either the Vapor Shark, Evolv or the SSV wire and it's your Vortice V2.

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