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Is it my Mod or the Wire


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So I've been having some problems with my VT200 when using NiFe48 wire. It seems like its instantly hitting temp protection no matter what. I've tried more wick, less wick, cotton/rayon. Spaced/contact coils. Nothings working. It was working fine just a week or two ago. I have the CSV from steam engine. If I lock the resistance .1 above what it reads it sort of works. (Like resting is .9 and I lock it at .10) I plan on running the case analyzer tonight. And I did change some settings to what someone else had their VT200 set too. Should I restore to defaults and try that? Along with the case analyzer? Is there a firmware update for the VT200?

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Good luck to ya, ive got some nife 30 to have a bash with tommorrow night, there are quite a lot of posts on the site regarding metals other than ni200, one bloke, forget his name right now and its difficult to swap between pages while only using my mobile, but hes prety adamant that the preheat works well for ni200 but it can be obstructive when trying to use ss, ti , ect. Cant see that youve got antything to loose by trying it without to start with. Like allready said, default is full 200watt

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Aint got a clue mate just following the recomended, when i check resistance on escribe it says do not lock. I will have a bash at that coil as a single but unfortunatly i have .40 nife 30, but still nife.. i did try stainless and followed all the info i could find, and thought it was all very over rated, like a far better tast from the juice... custard had under notes of haddok or mackrell, it does your head in, spending hours trying to improve.. ect

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