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Board heating up after new LiPo installed

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Hi there,

*Please let me know if this should be moved to a different category. I’m not sure of the root cause.

Some time ago, my 4th VS200 bricked and I was unable to get anything other than the “blue light” of the fire button. To me this always seemed to indicate that the LiPo was still functioning, but the board had ceased to function. Duh, right?

Anyway, after multiple attempts forcing different updates, I was able to get it to come on but one of the cells was dead. So, I ran the battery recovery tool and to no avail, the LiPo was shot.

I happened to have another LiPo that I had bought off of evolv’s website (without the connectors) some time ago. So, removed the connectors on the soldered them on to the new one.

Now everything seems to be functioning as normal, however, the board temp steadily climbs up while in a rested state. This happens regardless of whether or not it is plugged into the USB 2.0 port on my computer. It just keeps rising. Previously, on a warm day it would hover around 90F at most. Now it’s reached as high as 104F before freaking me out. Something of note: Neither the LiPo or the board appear warm to the touch at all.

I’ve read that people have seen their mods go up to 150F but that seems crazy to me.

Since I installed the battery, I’ve never seen the temp plateau… it just keeps steadily rising without slowing down in .1 increments.

Should I be concerned? Is this common?

Update for the 9 people that have viewed this thread. I got a wild hair and decided to remove the battery and then replace each lead one at a time. I decided to connect the wiring harness first after the temp settled around 82F and it skyrocketed. Not sure what this means, but guess I’m going to remove the motherboard and make sure the solder points are clean.

Update 2: Well... It's definitely something connecting to the wiring harness and the board. Although the soldering looks fine, it's clearly frying once a LiPo is introduced. Man this is disappointing. I don't even think i can buy a new board, right? I was told by evolv that these boards are made specially for VS and  cannot be serviced by anyone else. I wish there was something i could do! My girlfriend thinks i have a problem the way i'm obsessing. This is genuinely my favorite mod and i feel like fate has forced me to use this sub-par YiHi chip. For the love of god. I need a DNA device in my life or i'm going to spin out of control (i maybe am being a little dramatic but...) i can't get the vape i want with anything else and i can't justify buying another mod and... I loath 18650s. I just want something i can plug in and use.  

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DismantleYourRobots said:

Hi there,

*Please let me know if this should be moved to a different category. I’m not sure of the root cause.

Some time ago, my 4th VS200 bricked and I was unable to get anything other than the “blue light” of the fire button. To me this always seemed to indicate that the LiPo was still functioning, but the board had ceased to function. Duh, right?

Anyway, after multiple attempts forcing different updates, I was able to get it to come on but one of the cells was dead. So, I ran the battery recovery tool and to no avail the LiPo was shot.

I happened to have another LiPo that I had bought off of evolv’s website (without the connectors) some time ago. So, removed the connectors on the soldered them on to the new ones.

Now everything seems to be functioning as normal, however, the board temp steadily climbs up while in a rested state. This happens regardless of whether or not it is plugged into the USB 2.0 port on my computer. It just keeps rising. Previously, on a warm day it would hover around 90F at most. Now it’s reached as high as 104F before freaking me out. Something of note: Neither the LiPo or the board appear warm to the touch at all.

I’ve read that people have seen their mods go up to 150F but that seems crazy to me.

Since I installed the battery, I’ve never seen the temp plateau… it just keeps steadily rising without slowing down in .1 increments.

Should I be concerned? Is this common?

you had 4 VS DNA 200's die or you have 4 and the 4th bricked? just curious.
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3 bricked (this last one bricked once before) and one had a 510 that was so loose that it couldn't read the proper ohms and the fire button would just stop working mid drawl intermittently. I went back and forth with vaporshark about this and while they were very nice and patient, they eventually refunded my money and left me with this one.

For me the form factor of the VS200 is by far the best, and while the battery life obviously leaves a bit to be desired, at 50-60 watts this usually gets me through a work day no problem.  

Edit: It's really an honor to have VapingBad and Chunkybutt (sorry chunky but that felt weird tying your name ) respond to my thread. I've seen your input on numerous threads and it's nice to know that you all are still actively engaged in the community.   

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DismantleYourRobots said:

3 bricked (this last one bricked once before) and one had a 510 that was so loose that it couldn't read the proper ohms and the fire button would just stop working mid drawl intermittently. I went back and forth with vaporshark about this and while they were very nice and patient, they eventually refunded my money and left me with this one.

For me the form factor of the VS200 is by far the best, and while the battery life obviously leaves a bit to be desired, at 50-60 watts this usually gets me through a work day no problem.  

sorry to hear you had so many problems with your VS. but glad to hear you basically got it for free. i had to send in my VS 200 for a new board 5 days after buying it. working great now. that tiny 900 mah lipo doesn't last all that long but that's where it pays to have the 2 amp charging VS offers with their mods. 
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what's the max temp the board reaches when you're watching in device monitor? you're not firing it, just connecting the battery then board temp starts to climb? does the mod get excessively hot to the touch? does usb charging still work, as in are you getting the full two amps when charging? i know the board will limit usb current draw when the board gets above ......119°F (somewhere around there, maybe a little more) during the charge cycle. finally one last question even with the board temp climbing does it vape, any quirks when temp is peaked? i'd say if it still vapes and charges fine, use it till the wheels fall off. if the board fails, VS has a repair option for out of warranty sharks. have you tried VS's customer service hotline and explained your situation? couldn't hurt right? they refunded you the cost of the mod, right? so whatever the repair cost is it'll still be cheaper than paying $200 for new one.

edit....i just read the above post. no i would not consider taking the time to trouble shoot it at cost to you. VS pays for shipping, both ways. at least they did for me. once again no cost to you. if you got them to refund your money and let you keep it. i would consider that a win win. ya it sucks going back and forth with a mod that refuses to work but.....electronics aren't perfect, they fail. that's me tho. don't take it the wrong way. i only want to help.....

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