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MOD stopped working

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Yesterday i bought a reuleaux DNA off of a friend because it stopped working for him and I wanted to know why. He claimed it needed a hard reset but escribe told me that cell 1 was not reading. I tried several different sets of batteries with the same results. So today i pulled it apart and on the bottom side of the sled a wire was severly pinched from the factory and just finally stopped making any connection at all. Does anyone have any advice on what i should do to fix this before I call it a loss? Thank you in advance

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  SteelPlate said:

I replaced the broken wire on the bottom of the sled. Ive soldered everything back together. Ive tried a hard reset, and still im getting no reading in cell one. I think it may be a chip issue. Im not sure though.

This may be a long shot but check both of these little "chips" that are being used to bridge the ground pin to battery negative and #3 pin to battery positive. If they are open bridge them with solder and/or wire.
There's one on each side.
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  SteelPlate said:

Just checked both of those and they are still fully intact look just fine. Ive read on a forum that this is more common than i thought it would have been and no one is finding a solution

They need to be checked with an ohm meter, it that how you checked them? I guess a volt meter could be used as well, should read pack voltage between #3 and ground with batteries installed but the ohm meter would be best.
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