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Battery selection/help


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Hello everyone,

This is my first post on this forum and I need help. I have a Evolve DNA 200 Mod by Lost Vapes. The battery life is terrible, I cannot get a full day of vaping when fully charged in the morning. I had my local vape store tweak the settings for optimal performance but this did not help.

I just want to replace the current batteries with new ones. Can someone please guide me to where I can buy them and can I use batteries that are over 1800mah? Any help is appreciated, thanks.


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Sajen said:

Hello everyone,

This is my first post on this forum and I need help. I have a Evolve DNA 200 Mod by Lost Vapes. The battery life is terrible, I cannot get a full day of vaping when fully charged in the morning. I had my local vape store tweak the settings for optimal performance but this did not help.

I just want to replace the current batteries with new ones. Can someone please guide me to where I can buy them and can I use batteries that are over 1800mah? Any help is appreciated, thanks.


which mod, specifically, by lost vape?  
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Lost Vapes DNA 200, if not the mini, comes with a 1300 mah FullyMax battery. This should provide the vaping time of roughly one and a half 18650's. There doesn't appear to be enough room for a larger battery.
@ 3:10 when he opens it.

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Thanks for the replies, yes, that's the one, mentioned above. I went to another vape store around my area and the guy was dumb founded when I told him. He said my mod MAY be only charging one (1) battery, not all three. 

I found this:

Will this battery work? Any help is appreciated.


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Sajen said:

Thanks for the replies, yes, that's the one, mentioned above. I went to another vape store around my area and the guy was dumb founded when I told him. He said my mod MAY be only charging one (1) battery, not all three. 

I found this:

Will this battery work? Any help is appreciated.


you needed to make sure the stock lipo that comes with your efusion is around the same size as the turnigy you linked. you could measure the space where the lipo would fit to see if it will accommodate this 1.3 turnigy. also i should mention you have to peel the carbon fiber panel off to get at the screws that hold the panel on. you could ruin the CF panel. also fullymax is a great brand when it comes to lipos. the turnigy might not net you much of a gain in vape time since it's essentially the same amount of mah.

Dimensions: 71x34x23mm (turnigy 1.3)

Dimensions: 22x35x66 mm (stock fullymax 1300) (it's close. it might fit, your call)

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ChunkyButt200 said:

Dimensions: 71x34x23mm (turnigy 1.3) Dimensions: 22x35x66 mm (stock fullymax 1300) (it's close. it might fit, your call)

Gee... I have three HCigar VT133 and I was looking at one and I thought a few hours ago, if I could get a lipo to fit in there, it would be easy to convert these things. And all I needed was some dimensions of some lipos. And here you are just handing them out CB. :thumb: Yes either would fit.
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Sajen said:

Thanks for the info CB! I'll look for lipos that have the dimensions that you mentioned. If I searched for a larger MAh lipo, does that mean larger physical battery? Sajen

the larger the capacity (mah), the larger the lipo......in most cases. you might want to consider the lost vape efusion duo.......you have the choice between a 1300 mah lipo or a dual 18650 configuration. comes with the 1300 mah lipo and the dual 18650 sled. uses snap together connectors for easy swapping between the two. just a thought.

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Thanks for the link CB. That mod looks really nice! I was wondering, can you use the lipo and batteries the same time? Meaning, I can set it to use lipo and when that battery gets weak, I can set it to use ext batteries. Also, can I upgrade the lipos from 1300 mah to 2200 mah or higher? Any help is always appreciated. Sajen

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HCigar VT133 is like the Lost Vape efusion duo, except it doesn't have the lipo option and it is only $88 at ecig.com right now ($83.60 with a coupon) and free ship. And if you are handy at modding, you could make a lipo an option with it too.

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Thanks Bill, but I like the size of the Evolve. Also, I like the USB charge option. I can charge the mod while at my desk or in my car as I'm driving from point A to B. Is the mod that your talking about bulky? I'm trying to stay away from big bulky mods. 


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The HCigar VT133 is using the same DNA200 board, with the same USB jack, with the same USB built in charger. That part is all of the same. Lost Vape efusion duo has a nicer box with more options plus the lipo option (the HCigar VT133 does not have an lipo option [but just a little modification it could]). They should be about the same size, but I haven't seen both of them together.

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Sounds really good Bill, but I'm not savvy to do any modifications. I'm debating on the new dual lipo/battery mod by efusion. It would be a slam dunk buy for me if I knew I could replace the existing 1300mah battery to a larger mah battery and which one. Sajen

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Yeah I am not a big fan of lipos myself. I have lipos in dozens of things and I just don't care much for them. Oh sure there are people that like them and there are some great things about them and all. So if I could avoid a lipo and go the easy to swap and charge externally 18650s, I'm going there. But if you like lipos better, by all means go that route. What is important is what you want after all. :thumb:

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That 1300 mah Turnigy is the same one that I put in my Vapecige, I had to add a "T" plug on mine.
A bunch cheaper here but shipping is not included and a bit steep, still cheaper though.
I would use the FullyMax replacement if it were me.

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dwcraig1 said:

That 1300 mah Turnigy is the same one that I put in my Vapecige, I had to add a "T" plug on mine.
A bunch cheaper here but shipping is not included and a bit steep, still cheaper though.
I would use the FullyMax replacement if it were me.

for a second, i thought that was your mod, lol.
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Hello everyone, I think I found a battery that may work. http://parkrcmodels.com/product_info.php?cPath=29&products_id=1992 Can someone please verify that this battery will work/ fit in my dna 200 mod. Any help is always appreciated. Sajen

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