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Panzer DNA200 Check Battery and off

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PANZER200 said:

My boxmod say me : check battery , although he was charged on 70 %

After connecting to the PC , he simply turned off and now I can not turn it on !
Maybe someone can help me ? )

in escribe, can you post a screen shot of device monitor? specifically cell voltages and pack voltage? also make sure in the mod tab, in escribe, your panzer is set up for 3 cell operation and not 2 cell. 
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ChunkyButt200 said:

in escribe, can you post a screen shot of device monitor? specifically cell voltages and pack voltage? also make sure in the mod tab, in escribe, your panzer is set up for 3 cell operation and not 2 cell. 

Escribe dont see mod :( 

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black lace said:

Might be a good idear to try and connect anouther device, eg mobile phone using the same cable, to make sure you dont have an issue there,

Cable changed but this has no effect . DNA does not turn on. even after disconnecting / connecting battery .
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ChunkyButt200 said:

i like pics :love:. be sure to get a good one of the onboard fuse. however, fuse should not interfere with mod making connection to escribe. even tho escribe doesn't "see" the mod, try to reinstall the firmware you're running......long shot but... 

How can I reinstall the firmware if the mod does not even turn on?

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Think he means escribe, on computer, then see if it gets recognised when connected,, am on mobile so the pics a little blured but the board looks perfect, if the mods absolutly dead, i dont think you have any choise but to contact the vendor, dont think that ones been out long, see if you have any warranty, to do a swap over, or els you will have to put an email accross to evolv for an rma form.

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