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Charging issue


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Yesterday I noticed my mod was only charging at 0.3 amps. Now each cell is reading fully charged on the mod (4.20) and my batt percentage is only 86%. Never had any problems with it and it would read 97%-100% when the cells were fully charged in the past. Have not messed with any settings or anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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The charging current will drop when it gets close to a full charge. Also the DNA200 will not draw more current from the USB than it can safely supply.

The battery percentage is based on the configuration of the battery capacity. As cells age, they lose a bit of capacity. So you might have to drop the watt hours in EScribe's Mod (tab) with time.

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If you don't have a problem changing the watt hours to something like 11.1 and uploading it to see how it reacts you might see a difference in the battery meter at full charge.  You can always change it back to 12.21. The watt hours setting effects the battery meter in the device but not the charging to a full 4.20 volts of each cell.

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