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Reauleaux will only turn on when initially connected to USB


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Hi I have had the reauleaux for 2 months and it was working perfectly.. I built a 430SS coil and while dry firing it I heard a click and the mod turned off and wouldn't turn back on.. Connected to a USB charger it turned on and said warranty service.. Removed it from the charger and it continued to work fine and I didn't see the message again. Left it for an hour and it won't turn back on. So I connected the USB for a second till it turned on and removed the charger and it continues to work. If I leave the mod for 10 minutes it would still work. It will refuse to work if left for more than 30 minutes. In order to get it to work I just quickly plug the USB then remove it and its fine for the day as long as it's not left for a long time.. I took the mod apart till the chip and there is nothing wrong with either the fuse or anything else.. All is perfect. I'm stomped.. Any ideas?




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If the voltages were all over the place, it would be time to get a second opinion from a meter. I can't think of anything left except maybe post a snapshot of the Device Monitor of it firing. The only thing after that is opening a ticket with Evolv.

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