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Efusion dna200 battery problem

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I just revived my Efusion 200 yesterday, I think I need to send it back to exchange another if possible, B/c but there's something wrong with the mod, it's work fine right outta box, vape, charge, setting...etc. BUT 10 mins after I change the cell capacity to 1300mah the charging amp drop to 0.10~0.15A on wall adapter and it barely charge on PC 0.05A~0.10A....Then the charging Amp return to normal after going bak and forth like that for almost an hour. After that I charged the mod to 100% and turn on the battery % on main page....But when I vaping...Man the % drops like someone use a knife stab a hole in that Lipo battery, it basically drop ONE % for Each hit, 2~3hits the most, it dropped from 100%~90% less than a minute!! Everytime I look at the screen the % drop after take one or couple of hits....A BRAND NEW mod wasn't supposed to be like this man, it's just really frustrating looking at the % of BRAND NEW DNA200 work like a Lipo that needs to be recycle. Btw I was vaping around 60watts(not too high I think)

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Cooltinha said:

I just revived my Efusion 200 yesterday, I think I need to send it back to exchange another if possible, B/c but there's something wrong with the mod, it's work fine right outta box, vape, charge, setting...etc. BUT 10 mins after I change the cell capacity to 1300mah the charging amp drop to 0.10~0.15A on wall adapter and it barely charge on PC 0.05A~0.10A....Then the charging Amp return to normal after going bak and forth like that for almost an hour. After that I charged the mod to 100% and turn on the battery % on main page....But when I vaping...Man the % drops like someone use a knife stab a hole in that Lipo battery, it basically drop ONE % for Each hit, 2~3hits the most, it dropped from 100%~90% less than a minute!! Everytime I look at the screen the % drop after take one or couple of hits....A BRAND NEW mod wasn't supposed to be like this man, it's just really frustrating looking at the % of BRAND NEW DNA200 work like a Lipo that needs to be recycle. Btw I was vaping around 60watts(not too high I think)

post a screen shot of exactly what you have your battery settings at in escribe. also what are the individual cell voltages in device monitor, screen shot as well.

make sure in escribe it's set on '3 cell' 'lithium polymer' '14.43 watt hours' also remember to 'upload settings' to your efusion before leaving escribe.

one more thing, make sure your wall adapter is capable of delivering 1 amp, as well as the usb cable.
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Just to add what ChunkyButt200 has said... I wouldn't be to quick to judge a new battery that hasn't been used yet. Sometimes they just need a bit of exercise before they come up to speed. After a few charge and discharges, then see how it is doing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Daft Chunt said:

I'm having similar problems but my DNA200 is 8 months old, ran new(ish) firmware and battery won't charge beyond 42% despite being set to 1300mAh, 14.43Wh as is stamped on the battery. Any suggestions please guys

what brand is it?  is that battery 8 months old? what are each of the cell voltages in device monitor? they could also be overstating the battery's capacity. if that's the case it will throw the battery meter off. best bet is to run battery analyzer and get your battery's specific curve and watt hour capacity. there is a thread here on how to properly run battery analyzer.
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The pack is somewhat unbalanced, it's a very slow process using the on-board charger to get it balanced. It may eventually balance or perhaps cell 3 won't charge any higher due to a bad cell. If you have a meter check the voltages on the balance connector or the power wires, your voltages add up to 12.1 volts and see if they match up to what EScribe says.
BYW 12.1 is 95 +% roughly of 12.6 volts

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In the picture a couple posts back it is cell #3 that I'm charging, that's using two pins on the positive side of the connector. The outboard (#3) is positive and next one (#2) is negative.
Mine got out of balance because I got e liquid between the connector and board. I thought it was the battery so I replaced it, soon it had the same problem. Then I cleaned the area and problem never came back.  

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