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Uwell Crown Ni200 0.15 ohms advise needed?


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I have been using my Uwell Crown Tank with Ni200 coils but I am just looking for some advise?

The coils are rated 0.15 ohms but when I attach the tank with a cold coil I get a reading of 0.11 ohms, I have checked on other mods I own and I get the same reading on those as well so I think that is the correct ohms for this coil. If its not please let me know.

What I am confused about is Temp control do I lock my ohms @ 0.15 or do I let it fire at 0.11 ohms? Will it still adjust the temp right at 0.11?

I think its working fine @ 0.11 ohms as I get lots of vapour and great taste.

Sorry for the newbie questions and I did a quick search and could not find anything.

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Or if you swap batteries with your DNA200. If you do, you might want to leave the resistance locked. As the DNA forgets what the cold resistance is the instant you remove power. Having it plugged into the USB power would be ok unlocked swapping batteries. And if you lock it just before swapping batteries, that doesn't count. Those of us who knows about this never figured out how long it has to be locked before it will remember. But it seems like it must be hours before the battery swap.

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