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Smok TFV8 and the V8-T8 Coil


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Hello all!  I got a Wismec Reauleaux DNA 200 yesterday.  I have the new Smok TFV8 sub ohm tank and am using the Octo-core coil assembly.  The issue is that the mod only has three possible materials for coils loaded, Ni, Ti or SS.   There is no Klapton or Canthal at all, so while I get a great hit in wattage mode, in fact even at 110W it's a nearly choking cloud, the TCR is all wrong, and ultimately I'll wind up frying either the mod or the coils that are very expensive.

Does anyone have a .CSV for this coil?  I tried using the Steam-Engine software but after I loaded the .CSV I got an EEPROM failure as the resistance has to be continuously increasing, and the resistance of the coil changes very slightly from the .170 ohms cold, to something like .17804788 ohms at 600 degrees.

I read that the factory software has just Kanthal and Ni as default materials, is anyone aware of a way to load the old software, or modify the existing software to include Clapton coils?  It does not need to be exact, but the mod has no idea what is going on with the coil as it is not a TC coil, and as it thinks it's made of Ni, it cannot calculate the temperature because the resistance is all wrong.

I thank you for your time reading this and any help I might receive.

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Thanks for the reply.  I find it sad that my $29.90 Eleaf Pico can figure out the temperature of a Kanthal coil so I don't bbq the cotton, but my $150 mec just has a ? for temperature because it has no idea what material is in it.

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I changed my screen readout to replace volts with the board temp, since Smoktech TFV4 & 8 get kinda hot at higher wattages and I can keep an eye on it that way besides touchy feely method. I must say the Micro TFV4 is my fav out of the three of them, the bigger tank and wide tip give a nice hit at a lower wattage and doesn't chew my battery charge.

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Actually I stand corrected, they only make dual coil TC coils for the TFV4, SS, Ni-200 or Ti.  I like the TFV4 but after going to the TFV8, it's going to be hard to go back.  And honestly, my 100W Eleaf at 90W gave a great hit from the TFV8, and that was I think $35.00.  I am sort of feeling ripped off at the moment.  I may even RMA the DNA 200 Wismec and go with something else, as there is no clear benefit to me, the software is great, but most of it does not work because I am not using a TC coil.  I guess I feel like I bought a Dodge Viper with a motorcycle engine in it.

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Winkly said:

Actually I stand corrected, they only make dual coil TC coils for the TFV4, SS, Ni-200 or Ti.  I like the TFV4 but after going to the TFV8, it's going to be hard to go back.  And honestly, my 100W Eleaf at 90W gave a great hit from the TFV8, and that was I think $35.00.  I am sort of feeling ripped off at the moment.  I may even RMA the DNA 200 Wismec and go with something else, as there is no clear benefit to me, the software is great, but most of it does not work because I am not using a TC coil.  I guess I feel like I bought a Dodge Viper with a motorcycle engine in it.

i was gonna say, i have the pico as well and can confirm there is no kanthal anywhere on that device, lol. start building some bigger rta's i can get pretty big dual SS coils in my 25mm VCMT. thing has good flavor and hits like a dripper. don't give up on the most comprehensive board on the market yet!
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I actually dropped my TVF4 in with dual Ti TC coils.  Setup a new profile, and really I am amazed.  Hit's like a beast, and the customization options are seemingly endless.  I'm probably going to buy an RX200S and use the TFV8 on that until they come out with TC coils for it.  If they ever do.  If not, I am really happy with the TVF4 tank, cool hits even at 550 degrees, now to 'dial in' the right wattage and boost and all the other goodies.

I also have a Eleaf Lemo 3 tank on pre order, they have a complete line of TC coils available, if the airflow is good enough, it might work out well.  We'll see.

Still dissapointed I cannot accurately use the tank I wanted, but, hey this is about as much hobby as anything else, a learning curve is to be expected.

Oh and for the Pico, no there is no Clapton or Kanthal options, however, it will NOT go over whatever temperature I set it at in wattage mode with a Clapton coil in it.  Thus, that little thing is able to figure out the temperature of the coil, seemingly no matter what it's made of.  That was my gripe.  If the DNA was able to sense the temperature of the TFV8 I would be fine using it in wattage mode.  It's the fact that is has no clue what the temp is that bugs me.

Thanks for the feedback!

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I have both a DNA200 and a Pico . The Pico 100 % does not do temp control with Kanthal! What you are experiencing is the fact that a clapton coil requires a lot of power to heat up. The Pico just is not able  to throw enough power to the coil to heat it up. Hell my Pico goes into Weak battery mode on an .2 ohm Alantis coil if i have the temp up and the watts over 50. I love the Pico because its so damn small and feature rich, but its really no comparison to a DNA 200 .

Try throwing a small single wire kanthol coil on the Pico and see how well it does temp control with that. 

The fact that the Pico doesn't kick of of TC mode when you have Kanthal wire is a flaw not a feature.

One more small thing the fact that SMOK doesn't make a TC option for the V8 is not DNA's fault.

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That is the plan. I have a whole box of coil building stuff coming, I'll keep playing with it.  The DNA200 is simply amazing in TC mode, I am looking forward to trying it with the TVF8 and the RBA that comes with it, and I also bought an Authentic RBA to see how a dripper works.  Different game but as I stated before, this is a quit smoking thing, that has kinda morphed into a rather fun hobby.  My friend is into Remote Control cars, he spends thousands on his hobby, this one is a pretty cheap hobby to have.

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