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Finder 133 check battery


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Im having trouble with check battery with device finder 133 dna chip 200 from thinkvap My device cant turn on , when im firing the device on and when i release firing button it shut down the device, my mod show check battery It will turn on via usb plug only And when i check via escribe in device monitor cell 1 is dead on 0.01 and cell 2 at 5.00 cell 3 at 1.2 .finder is 2 battery mod im already set my my battery wattage at mod. Im using 2 battery like samsung lg, still dont work This is common problem with this device in indonesian Can somebody explain



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welcome to the forum Kudzako. you can try hard and soft reboot from escribe and also try re-flashing the firmware. the reason the device will not stay on is because it's not reading one of the cells, more of a symptom than a cause. you either have a bad/broken connection regarding the battery to the board or the board has failed. you're 100% positive BOTH cells are fully charged and balanced?  if you are, then you need to return the device.

just last week, my VS Vaporflask 133 displayed the same problem as you're describing. i had to send it back to VS for a new DNA 200 board.

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  Kudabau said:

Im having trouble with check battery with device finder 133 dna chip 200 from thinkvap My device cant turn on , when im firing the device on and when i release firing button it shut down the device, my mod show check battery It will turn on via usb plug only And when i check via escribe in device monitor cell 1 is dead on 0.01 and cell 2 at 5.00 cell 3 at 1.2 .finder is 2 battery mod im already set my my battery wattage at mod. Im using 2 battery like samsung lg, still dont work This is common problem with this device in indonesian Can somebody explain


same problem with me few days ago when i purchase finder 133. i even doesn't have a chance to use it and it shows same like yours.

But now i can use it, i don't know how to repair it, but when i give it to my friend whose expert, he's playing with EScribe and under 5minutes it's Fixed!!
Maybe you should ask your friends or you can go to vape store on your city to ask it, maybe they can fix it

i just bought it 5 days ago, and now i considering of sell it and buy a Lost Vape Therion 133. I'm afraid that my Finder133 going insane again.

saya dari indonesia juga. hahaha
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

I do have the same problem today.
It happen after i escribe my Finder 133.
Almost desperate, but then i try to check the escribe software, then finally.
You should Try to update the firmware of the mod to early update. Don't forget to backup all your settings before did the update. 
Then open the escribe software, choose Option -> User Interface -> Manufacturer.
Ussually if we don't choose the User Interface, the default is Clean.
Then choose Mod tab. 
You will see Battery option. Beside the Capacity text box, there is a drag option bar, the default is 3-cell. If you are using Finder 133 with 2-cells battery, as i am, then you have to change the value become 2-cells. 
Then click the Watt-hours calculator to get the capacity value. The variable is written in your battery. Fill the Capacity text box after you calculated it.
Then upload the settings. Voila....you did it. hehe.
If this can't solve your problems, maybe others have another way.
Just share my thought.

Btw, coba aja dulu mas. Siapa tau bisa. Karna saya juga berhasil.
Thanks escribe_f133_1.jpg  escribe_f133_3.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...
  donysaurus said:

Hi all,

I do have the same problem today.
It happen after i escribe my Finder 133.
Almost desperate, but then i try to check the escribe software, then finally.
You should Try to update the firmware of the mod to early update. Don't forget to backup all your settings before did the update. 
Then open the escribe software, choose Option -> User Interface -> Manufacturer.
Ussually if we don't choose the User Interface, the default is Clean.
Then choose Mod tab. 
You will see Battery option. Beside the Capacity text box, there is a drag option bar, the default is 3-cell. If you are using Finder 133 with 2-cells battery, as i am, then you have to change the value become 2-cells. 
Then click the Watt-hours calculator to get the capacity value. The variable is written in your battery. Fill the Capacity text box after you calculated it.
Then upload the settings. Voila....you did it. hehe.
If this can't solve your problems, maybe others have another way.
Just share my thought.

Btw, coba aja dulu mas. Siapa tau bisa. Karna saya juga berhasil.
Thanks escribe_f133_1.jpg  escribe_f133_3.jpg


thanks untuk tutorial nya broo 
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  • 5 weeks later...

Last night it happened to my therion 133 DNA 200. The device just shut down automatically, I plugged it in to USB escribe and it said check battery. One of the cell is not detectable, I tried to reset and hard reset or change the battery from 3 cell to 2 cell still no luck. This morning, I decided to disassemble it. Found the problem of my therion 133. One of the cord that connected to the battery is not attached (there are 2 cords, red and black and in my case the black one). So I managed to fix it and now it's working as usual. Semoga bisa ya agan agan yg dari Indo. Dibongkar manually saja. Kalau masalah dari chip nya aku rasa ga ada. Oyah untuk menyambungkan lagi kabel nya, jelas ya butuh soder dan kawat nya dan untuk therion 133 harus dilepas deck kayu kiri kanannya. Good luck.

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  Yph said:

Last night it happened to my therion 133 DNA 200. The device just shut down automatically, I plugged it in to USB escribe and it said check battery. One of the cell is not detectable, I tried to reset and hard reset or change the battery from 3 cell to 2 cell still no luck. This morning, I decided to disassemble it. Found the problem of my therion 133. One of the cord that connected to the battery is not attached (there are 2 cords, red and black and in my case the black one). So I managed to fix it and now it's working as usual. Semoga bisa ya agan agan yg dari Indo. Dibongkar manually saja. Kalau masalah dari chip nya aku rasa ga ada. Good luck.

Saya sudah selesai melakukan pembongkaran semua tidak ada konektor yang saya temui lepas, device i finder 157
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  putramahendra said:

Saya sudah selesai melakukan pembongkaran semua tidak ada konektor yang saya temui lepas, device i finder 157

Bro punyamu kalau dicolok ke escribe ke detect ga? Kalau ke detect coba liat di bagan battery, apakah voltage nya sama antara cell 1 dan 2? Kabel yg lepas bisa di bagian atas konektor battery atau di bawah. Kebetulan punya ku keliatan langsung di bagian atas tanpa harus membongkar total lempengan lempengan battery. Saran aja sih coba di Check lagi di konektor battery nya apakah bener bener soder An nya ga ada yg lepas. Good luck
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  Yph said:

Bro punyamu kalau dicolok ke escribe ke detect ga? Kalau ke detect coba liat di bagan battery, apakah voltage nya sama antara cell 1 dan 2? Kabel yg lepas bisa di bagian atas konektor battery atau di bawah. Kebetulan punya ku keliatan langsung di bagian atas tanpa harus membongkar total lempengan lempengan battery. Saran aja sih coba di Check lagi di konektor battery nya apakah bener bener soder An nya ga ada yg lepas. Good luck

Gini bro, semalem gw udh bongkar semua nih device nya, tetapi gw gk jumpai yang yang namanya konektoe putus. Semua aman bro.. Gak ada cacat sama sekali secara fisik... Lalu ane coba colokin ke escribe. Gw chek cell batrey yang cell 1 nya itu 0.59 yang cel 2 itu 5.23 yang cell 3 nya disable.. Soalnya ane pakai mode 2 cell bat... Tapi kalok di ganti mode power suplay it's work... But ini sebagai solusi sementara
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  putramahendra said:

Gini bro, semalem gw udh bongkar semua nih device nya, tetapi gw gk jumpai yang yang namanya konektoe putus. Semua aman bro.. Gak ada cacat sama sekali secara fisik... Lalu ane coba colokin ke escribe. Gw chek cell batrey yang cell 1 nya itu 0.59 yang cel 2 itu 5.23 yang cell 3 nya disable.. Soalnya ane pakai mode 2 cell bat... Tapi kalok di ganti mode power suplay it's work... But ini sebagai solusi sementara

Sama bro. Kemarin therion 133 gw juga gt. Cell 1 0.sekian n cell 2 5.sekian. Kebetulan aja mungkin therion gw, gw bongkar and dapat 1 kabel lepas pas ke penghubung battery dari head nya bagian atas. Buat case mu... Good luck Bro... Ga ngerti juga kenapa gt. Kayaknya evolv banyak problem juga ya di chip nya. Jadi mikir ganti Mod yg lain.
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  Yph said:

Sama bro. Kemarin therion 133 gw juga gt. Cell 1 0.sekian n cell 2 5.sekian. Kebetulan aja mungkin therion gw, gw bongkar and dapat 1 kabel lepas pas ke penghubung battery dari head nya bagian atas. Buat case mu... Good luck Bro... Ga ngerti juga kenapa gt. Kayaknya evolv banyak problem juga ya di chip nya. Jadi mikir ganti Mod yg lain.

Iya sih bro katanya pihak evolf belum ada solisi sebener e buat masalah ini
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  Yph said:

Last night it happened to my therion 133 DNA 200. The device just shut down automatically, I plugged it in to USB escribe and it said check battery. One of the cell is not detectable, I tried to reset and hard reset or change the battery from 3 cell to 2 cell still no luck. This morning, I decided to disassemble it. Found the problem of my therion 133. One of the cord that connected to the battery is not attached (there are 2 cords, red and black and in my case the black one). So I managed to fix it and now it's working as usual. Semoga bisa ya agan agan yg dari Indo. Dibongkar manually saja. Kalau masalah dari chip nya aku rasa ga ada. Oyah untuk menyambungkan lagi kabel nya, jelas ya butuh soder dan kawat nya dan untuk therion 133 harus dilepas deck kayu kiri kanannya. Good luck.

hi do you have a video on how to disasembled the therion 133? procedure and step by step.
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  • 4 weeks later...

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