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Everything posted by Tmease

    Fantastic theme. I had been using Gothic-II Simple theme for months and months now, and I just uploaded the Gothic-III to my Paranormal(non simple version). The first was really impressive! Battery info still shows data of 4 batteries, when my mod only holds 2. The non- batteries appear darker on the screen.
  1. Wayneo Thanks. THa gave me an idea, that may be what you were referring to: can be enabled /disabled by the press of a button, and assigned to an Icon to hover over... ... e.g. boost on for initial hit, with icon selected boost icon, hit a button (up, for example , to disable boost) then hit the fire button again with boost off
  2. She loves the dual core ss316L in TC mode, but runs the following in VV/VW . also , I mistakenly called a box mod a Mech mod. sorry. The following were some of the esoteric coils I was thinking of: Corrugated framed staple Alien coil set Staple Exo framed Alien coil set Corrugated Staple Helix coil set... whereby they take LONG to heat, but have nice performance, once peak operating range has been reached
  3. Yeah, so , she purchased the board for TC, but also does alot with more esoteric coils, and wants to use , as has been expressed on here by others, the ability to use a boost/preheat function for x seconds, then cruise along at a lower voltage/wattage, and the ability to potentially chain vape, without that same boost being applied right off (if t<30 then b=null else b=b1 where b1 =w+w*z% (duration=b seconds) as I understand it. She is blown away by the TC already, and is using Theme Designer. I suggested looking at themes others have posted to reduce the learning curve. Yup! She's a keeper!❤️
  4. So my GF decided to build a LiPo Mech mod using the DNA 250C board. Her second day using it she texts me this: "I know this is probably going to make you mad, but I honestly wish I just bought a board with arctic fox. I cannot use a voltage curve or even disable punch/preheat immediately after taking a hit. Kinda upset. Seems really dumbed down compared to Arctic Fox. Every singke setting on here except themes was available on arctic fox, and it also had actual complex usable settings for wattage mode, which DNA completely lacks. I'm happy-- it's just ridiculous that even cheap mods have such basic settings that they not only didn't bother to include, but they didn't let you program your own features if they weren't willing to. I think the developers just got so obsessed with their temperature control thing that they forgot that handbuilt coils exist, and that, generally, they cant be made of temperature sensing materials-otherwise their resistance is too low..." That being said, I've had my Paranormal for nearly a year. I see that some settings are unavailable that would make the experience better, but I have no idea what to say to her. She has some valid points.
  5. Mine is also like 90 degrees off from where I'd want my airflow. They are in line with the body of the mod rather than perpendicular to it's centerline, if that makes sense. DNA 250C also. 🙁
  6. functionality is good. Cant wait to check visibility vs glare in my car and readability of font sizes. its giving me replay on wattage mode using mesh SS316L. gotta see how that "re-play"'s out. lol
  7. Thanks for the help! When I simply tried to plug into the native USB input, device monitor worked as designed. That would have been one of the first suggestions I 'd have given my clients at work to try, and I didnt think to try that process of elimination on my own machine!
  8. Yes. On all 3 machines. Replay works on the Paranormal(sometimes EVEN tries on kanthal, works for a few drags, then device decides to shut off). Changed to Mobo USB instead of add on card, and now the device monitor works fine... following your line of thinking earlier. Would you suggest uninstalling on all 3 and installing international version? Replay working, it seems, but I've nothing to compare it to... re: good/better...No idea how to use the record feature on device monitor to include performance here.
  9. connected to a USB port on an addon card. Ill try direct connecting to a case MOBO USB port when I get home. Concern Im having is that I installed last week an International version of Escribe-evolve, and it prompted me to update drivers/firmware to my system(may have been usb). I uninstalled that same software later that day and installed the USA version using run as administrator, to make the install work and detection of my mod finally worked. This International driver, appears to be the only different factor from my setup at work or my home laptop. I guess I need to uninstall the escribe driver- that is the only computer I have that the device monitor wont work with, nor wht eCig stats tool open at all... Device manager for the uninstall? then just hope for plug and play? or is there a USA driver I can get linked to for usb connectivity? (and should I run cCleaner to remove references in Registry to the old driver?) Thanks in advance for the help and directions! also the links above for tickets and Evolv Help Desk. Ill wait for your reply before going down the other rabbit holes
  10. Unsure how to record and send readout from device monitor. the temperature SS316l on TC in device monitor on this PC is not tracking, and the readout is choppy. do I uninstall and reinstall both pieces of software or? Ecig stats and escribe suite? It reads fine at work. tried new cable ... Device Monitor reports error on current , power set...
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