Let me get this right. So if my TCR was 0.006 I have to bring it down to 0.001 or just 0.005? And I think you mean 0.005 as the range is only 0.001-0.01. I also noticed in the temperature control results equivalents tab, it mentioned "To match it on a mod set to Titanium 1, adjust the temperature to ~210°C or ~410°F." and so I did. Seems a lot better than before. It was at 450F previously. What is this Equivalents tab suppose to be for? Oh....and thanks for the help.[/QUOTE]
If your TCR is set to 0.006 and you think it's too hot, bring it down by 0.0005 to 0.0055 and see if that's cool enough. For Ti grade 1, 0.006 is on the high side. I use 0.0041 for Ti wire I got from unkamen and I've actually measured the resulting temperature to be very close to spot on.
The equivalents tab on steam engine is for setting up mods that can't change TCR and are permanently set for Ni200. DNA 200 doesn't need that. [/QUOTE]
So you are manually entering 0.0041 as the tcr for Unkamen under special ? Are you then adjusting the temp points on graph because I have had better success with using the 0.006 value nickel default I'm guess it is- I know you have explained but it seems inconsistent and fluctuates the resistance can you elaborate ? Thanks