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Everything posted by Conanthewarrior

  1. Here is my recommendation but it will take some patience. You indicated that the new battery is already on its way so might as well wait for the new battery section to arrive. Test its operation with the new battery. If the fuse is indeed blown, of course it won't operate. Contact the vendor, explain that even with the new battery it's not functional and ask to return the unit and battery for exchange for a functional unit. If they won't help you out, open a ticket with evolv. Replacing a tiny surface mount fuse is not a task for the uninitiated lol.[/QUOTE] I am going to await the battery as suggested. Maybe the fuse is a very low resistance fuse-so low my multimeter wont show any resistance across it indicating it is functioning. On closer inspection with a magnifying glass, it seems it IS intact, with the surface running one side to the other. I remain optimistic aswell-I hope my battery arrives fast though, as I am going to order another DNA 200, the VT200 Hcigar next saturday from the UK. i agree I could no way replace that tiny fuse myself lol. If it turns out that the hotcig does work, bonus, I have two DNA200 devices.
  2. There should be zero (or very near zero depending on the resistance of the meter leads) resistance across the fuse. But like I said, maybe don't mess with it at this point. The new battery might resolve everything and futzing around with it might cause another issue somewhere else.[/QUOTE] I do get where you are coming from , but I should be OK testing a fuse lol (I'm not THAT damaged, just my thoughts and actions have been affected mainly). It IS THE FUSE. I got NO resistance reading across the fuse-I would expect a very low reading if it was still functioning wouldn't I? At least this has saved me waiting up to a month for a new device. I can just order one in 2 weeks. On another note-what to do with this one? Who repairs DNA mods? At this point-I just want rid of it really.
  3. I would like to add-how do I test the fuse? I have a multimeter and other gadgets, could any of them be used to test it? EDIT-OK, Multimeter at each end, lowest ohm setting. Should see some resistance-if there is none, the fuse is blown? Am I correct and I can test the fuse this way yes?
  4. I haven't TESTED the fuse as such, but visually inspected it and it looks fine. Plus I have never reversed polarity or caused reason for the fuse to go-but I agree, seeing as my soldering skills are not what they used to be, I will just have to wait out for the battery. I have run tests in Escribe, and it DOES fire, albeit at 4.5 watts max-any higher I get a battery or ohm error. I believe this is due to my soldering-as the battery completely failed when I removed it to test another battery, and re attached it, so I am sure that it was my soldering that is causing not enough power to be able to be drawn. It shows up in escribe as charged and such-like there is a connection, but I believe it to be a very weak connection. I hope its not the fuse anyway-I used (I forget due to my memory) part of escribe, where you install firmware, name the device, and it test fires to make sure everything is OK. That passed as normal-which I why I believe the fuse to be OK-surely it would not fire if there was a fuse problem? Anyway, 2-3 1/2 weeks and I will know for sure if it will work, or is garbage. If it is the fuse-what can I do? If it is that I will probably just get another DNA200 from the UK, but I will ensure I test the hotcig with the correct battery, as I believe it MAY work, as its odd it stopped the exact moment I took the battery out, and soldered it back in. Surely that has to be the answer?
  5. It will also fire at 4 watts- it must be my soldering! Any higher it will not fire, but it DOES fire at 4, above that I get an ohms too high error. So, I am going to wait the real battery until I get another device, as this one is likely to be fine-although I do not want to jinx myself. Hurry up 13-25 days! Then I will truly be happy as if the mod works, I have lost NOTHING as gearbest have agreed with paypals help to refund the 45 dollar cost of a new battery. I am actually happy! If anyone thinks something is wrong though, please let me know. The full issue did not actually start untill I unsoldered the semi faulty battery for another-then it will now only fire at 4 watts, but all tests in Escribe show the actual chip to be fine.
  6. OK-Productions actions succeeded-so it seems nothing is wrong with the chip. It MUST be my soldering not allowing enough power-hopefully the hotcig battery sorts this. I can not wait to get it. I changed the power to 4W for a test fire, as it said not within 4.04W, so tried that. It test fired and succeeded, escribe turned green. So surely it IS just the battery and my soldering skills have diminished since my injury, or the solder is the wrong type. Multicore solder, noticed it wouldn't really stick easily to the lugs from the battery housing-hopefuly it is this that is the issue.
  7. OK, I tried the production utility-it is telling me 'pwer not within +-4.04W. So, any ideas anybody? It's really getting me down.
  8. I have been told that the EFusion is not able to be disassembled-this is not true is it? As if it is not true, that will be what I get. If not, it will be the Hcigar DNA200.
  9. No, it was completely apart from the board-it was as i was soldering It to the seperate connectors from the battery housing I accidentally made contact causing the arc. It was definitely not plugged in-I wouldn't work on it plugged into the device.
  10. Hi people. As I may of mentioned, I sustained brain damage on the 23rd April 2014. Due to this I have been affected in various ways and am on multiple medications. I collect mods, and they make me happy. I got a hotcig DNA200 that was DOA, saved the battery but it died within 5 days. Today, I received a turnigy battery, that I installed, and guess what? It will NOT turn on, unless connected to escribe-and even then it will not fire, it just says 'OHMS TOO HIGH" when in device monitor they are not, and in atomizer anylyzer they are at 0.092 for single coil NI200 and around 0.157 ohms for a dual coil 26 gauge titanium build. I really regret this purchase-what I regret even more is ordering the hotcig battery for $45 dollars to get it working-this battery was going to be a kind of 'bridge' to use until I received the Actual hotcig battery. It has been soldered correctly and is perfectly charged and balanced, Escribe shows this. I am annoyed as now I have spent more than £120 on something that will not work, even with a new battery. Please, I am begging anyone who can help me to get it working, get it working. If I try to charge on the wall with a USB adapter, it just says "DNA200-Warranty issue" and won't charge. I am wondering if there is the slightest possibility it will work with the hotcig-as it failed completely after I removed the battery to try another in it. Maybe the solder I am using is causing an issue? There is no way it has been polarity reversed, so I can't see it being the fuse, I just pray it will work with the hotcig battery, then I can leave it well alone inside the battery and hopefully vape, but I doubt it as Escribe is showing the battery voltage and charging it fine. Due to the damage I sustained it has affected my thinking and emotions-right now I am literally crying over a mod, I understand this is stupid but I genuinely can not help it. I have 9 other perfectly working regulated mods, 3 mech mods, but I want THIS mod to work. So, anyone that can help me, please do. I bought this to cheer me up, and it is doing the entire opposite. What would cause it to say ohms too high when they really are not? I have spoken to my family and in a fortnight I am going to get a DNA200 from the UK as they understand me. It will cost me a lot of money I can't really afford but it is the only way I can stop thinking of a mod not working that cost so much. But-if I can get this working, that is perfect! Please anyone, help me. I am begging you. Conan.
  11. Ok- I installed a turngy Li-Po today-and guess what? Its not working! Its taking a charge-but as soon as you take it off of USB it powers off, and it also wont fire, it says 'OHM TOO HIGH" when they are most definitely not. So, what is wrong with my device? I am very upset now, my most expensive mod, and its not working at all. I feel like throwing it in the bin now and just getting a new one next month. Anyone that can help me solve this-please help me. I feel like losing my mind with my problems over this. I thought owning a DNA200 would be great-and It was. I do not blame evolv here, just hotcig and gearbest. Any idea why it is showing Ohm's too high with a perfectly good turnigy battery installed correctly? It is showing as balanced correctly and charged correctly in Escribe-but it wont fire ANY atomiser-it just says "ohms too high" when they are definitely not, in live view the are 0.09 for ni200 and 0.0157 for dual titanium. It wont even fire kanthal. What can be causing ohms too high? I genuinely feel like crying, I have spent money to get this working and it is not even the battery, it seems to be the actual mod. I can't even sell it on I doubt to get some money back to buy a device from the UK. All I can do is wait till next payday to get another DNA200, probably the Hcigar vt200 as its what I can afford in the UK, but due to my issues I do NOT like waiting. It is going to be an awful month until I get payed.
  12. Oh fair enough, it seems a bit of a lottery if your battery is the capacity it claims or not-I have spoken to people who have run battery analyzer to find it to be 1300MAH-then others that find it to be 1100MAH-is it possible the manufacturer had a shortage and some models have a different battery? I wish I had the soldering skills to build myself A 'brick' or even better, a PSU powered device. I would likely just use it at home, so that would be fine to me, being connected when vaping. It would be good if they could make something like the hotcig with removable battery packs-one that works as a battery for portability-another that straight swaps to convert it to a PSU. Thats probably just a pipedream though .
  13. Is this the Hcigar VT200 or the otherVT200, whos maker slips my mind? Just want to make sure as I want to ensure I get a good one this time lol.
  14. Really? I never knew this-so if I have no luck with gearbest, which it seems it won't, or hotcig, Evolv will step in? Also, do you have any idea why it would say ohms too high when they are not? I can't imagine the chip is damaged-I was using it at around 30 watts with two tanks, not 200W kanthal cloud chasing, I was just enjoying some gentle temp control at 230C, with a 80W preheat and 7.3 punch. Hopefully the battery and solder turns up tomorrow-its multicore, not rosin-but that should be fine shouldn't it? I also have flux as well arriving-I doubt I will need that to make a simple connection but you never know. Tomorrow I will have a new tank, the crius, but the updated version with bigger post holes and a standard 510 to play with, and hopefully the turnigy battery to see if it works. So does anyone know what would cause it to say ohms too high, on multiple devices, and in atomiser analyzer they are definitely not too high? I hope it is battery related, and works with the turniguy until I get the actual hotcig battery delivered in a few weeks.
  15. Could anybody at all help? I panic a lot due to my brain damage, so I apologize if I seem abrupt. Sorry to ask so much-it is just my most expensive device, and I could tell it was my best when working so I know the DNA200 works supremely-I just want to know why I am getting an ohms too high error when they are most definitely not. I guess tomorrow I will know when I get the turnigy whether I have a working device, or a completely broken device and have to write off £120 as a big mistake, and get myself what I can afford, the Hcigar Vtbox from the UK.
  16. I feel your pain. I received mine a few weeks ago-I got the battery working, but not fully-it would constantly give a DNA200-Battery-Warranty issue warning, and I would have to connect to escribe to make it work-until it finally died. Gearbest are awful customer service wise-on another forum a friend is having the exact same problem, promises that a new battery will be sent within 24 to 48 hours, and a week later still not sent. I ordered the replacement from fastech this morning, and put a paypal claim in for the cost of the replacement as gearbest was spouting lies to delay the battery. I am sure their principle is delay and hope you give up, but I wont be. I am a bit scared its not just the Li-Po though, I got an old Li-Po I had from my RC heli days and connected it up-it showed as fully balanced in escribe, and 9watt hours. When I tried to fire, I got an 'Ohms too high" error. I checked the live resistance, and the ohms were nowhere near too high, for NI200 it was 0.08, and with TI dual coil was 0.177. The funny thing was, even though it would not fire, the resistance would climb as if it was firing in the atomizer analyzer live view. So, I pray it is just the battery, as I could of bought a DNA 200 from the UK with what I have spent-I have a turniguy Li-Po arriving tomorrow, latest wednesday to temporarily use as it wont fit in the housing and I willl have to fashion one myself, and hopefully that will work and it is just because the Li-Po I am trying to use is so old that it is damaged as well causing the 'ohms too high error' otherwise, thats over £120 down the drain and I will have to spend the same to get another. Suppose they say pay cheap pay twice-it could well be the case here.
  17. I have checked live ohms in atomizer analyzer and they are not going over 0.177-so are definitely NOT too high. I just pray that when the turniguy turns up and I install it-it will work fine, as the other day it DID fire with the old battery-but for a few seconds. I think the battery is too weak, but just want clarification. EDIT: I forgot to add, when I fire the ohms increase as they would when it fires normally-confusion is my state right now. It can't be the fuse-I have never reversed polarity, so am at a loss to what my issue could be. I guess the only way to tell is with the new battery-although the old one was fully charged and showed 9W/h's in Escribe, with the batteries all balanced. I HAVE accidentally arced the battery though-tomorrow I will install one wire at a time with solder, to ensure this can not happen. I will use the part of the battery from the housing that holds the positive and negative wires to the pins, so the battery Will be removable-but due to the size it will be electrical tape as housing - when the real battery turns up I can just slip it off without soldering, then connect the real battery.
  18. Hi everyone. I am awaiting a turnigy battery, and also ordered the correct hotcig battery from fasttech to get my Hotcig DNA 200 going. I managed to get one of my old Li-Pos back in balance, and first I tried my nickel profile. 0.08 single coil. When I tried to fire, I get the error 'Ohms too high'. I thought Hmm, lets try titanium, so switched to that profile, added a 0.15 dual coil TI build, and guess what? Ohms too high again. I am now worried that I have ordered these batteries to make my device work-only for it not to work. What on earth is causing the Ohms too high message, as they most definitely are not too high. I am hoping the turnigy battery turns up tommorow, I can connect it properly, and it will work, and its just due to being an old battery. It is showing that it is in balance and at full charge though-so I am really confused what could be causing this issue. Anyone got any idea? Is my actual DNA200 buggered? If so, I've thrown over £120 down the drain, so I really, really hope it is NOT the actual chip. It only worked for a week before the battery failed due to its severe discharge on arrival. So, any ideas what is giving me that error? I am hoping the turniguy battery, that should arrive tomorrow, when attached and set up will sort out the issue. But the Ohms are definitely not too high, they work fine in TC mode on my other devices-and one I had not even used since my DNA200 was working, so it doesn't seem like it can be the coil. Please could someone help-I am learning Escribe quite easily-but am very worried that when I get the new battery, even the hotcig battery, it will not work at all.
  19. I really hope it isn't an issue with the bandgap-as I payed £28 pounds today from fasttech for a real hotcig battery. I have a turniguy Li-Po that should be turning up tomorrow-but its too big for the housing, I measured wrong. So, I will be able to hopefully get it going tomorrow, or the latest wednesday with that and a housing holding the battery made of lots of electrical tape to the mod-this will be for a few weeks until I receive the actual hot cig battery. If it turns out it IS the bandgap (which I don't know what that actually is) I will be upset, as I have spent over £120 now on this device-I could of bought one from the UK for that and had much less issues. Lets hope it was the dodgy battery causing the bandgap to be out. What is the bandgap in laymans terms?
  20. Ahh balls-I got multicore solder. As it is only a temporary fix until the hotcig battery arrives-do you think it will work OK? I can't afford anymore parts now-I have used up all of my vaping money on this mod to get it working (Plus I got 17 concentrates on the way and wires and a new tank, so its not all bad, should get them tomorrow). Ok, gearbest are dancing in circles, So I went to fasttech, who had the batteries instock, and bought one. Because it was an external battery-there was only one shipping method via sweden that takes between 13-25 days, I have a turnigy Li-Po arriving this week, tommorow hopefully, that will be attached directly to the pins and held with electrical tape to the device. Not pretty-But it will get my device working until the real replacement comes. I have opened a paypal ticket and requested for gearbest to provide a 45 dollar refund, the cost of the battery. I could of been a git and aked for a full refund as it was a non working item-but I thought I would be fair and just make a claim for the battery cost. If gearbest had simply sent the battery, within 24-48 hours like they said a WEEK ago, I would have no issue. Even if they send another battery instead of a refund, thats OK with me, I just want my device working, safely, and looking nice, as I did like the look of the device. I tried my old Lipo this morning-but its had it, its severely imbalanced. Cell 2 and 3 are 4.17 volts, cell 1 is 3 volts, and it keeps saying battery issue-imbalanced battery or check atomiser. So, I should have it working again this week with a very good battery-Problem is it doesn't bloody fit in the casing! Its 45c-90C turniguy nanotech, only 850MAH but it was just a bridge to get my device working as quickly as possible. I wish I knew someone with a 3d printer, who could make me a larger enclosure-then I could fit the turniguy battery into the actual housing and it would look a bit neater. As long as it works though I will be happy, but obviously happier when the actual battery in housing arrives. So far its cost me about £120 or so-I could of bought a DNA200 in the UK for that, and next month I am actually likely to buy either the Efusion or the Hcigar vt200, the Hcigar is £120, the Efusion £125-but I want another DNA200 as I was so impressed when this one did work. If it works fully with a new batttery though, in housing-I have no issue and probably WONT get another device-I like the hotcigs design, and I am thining why spend more when I have one that will work fine? It is only if I get the replacement battery and it doesn't I will have an issue. But we have all agreed here it is 100% the batteries-so it should work perfectly with the new batteries. Got some solder as well to attach the battery straight to the pins for the turniguy, then I will elecrtical tape it in place all over, so there is nowhere I can get a shock from use. Hopefully it takes just 13 days though, as fast as possible, then I will have it working properly. Then I will be fully happy-but I guess £120 isn't a terrible deal for the hotcig after factoring in battery cost.
  21. Thanks mate. Thing is, they told me 24 to 48 hours till it is sent out and I get my tracking number-well in 10 hours it has been 48 hours, so I have replied to them in the ticket stating please provide me with a tracking number as I am very worried as I have a mod that is near £100 that does not work, at all. It did work for 5 days with errors until the battery finally failed. I want to get a new Li-Po, but I am not sure what type of solder to use to install it-could someone recommend me as I have the money to buy a Li-PO right now, and can install it myself.
  22. Hey people. I, like you all, assume it is indeed the battery at fault, which it definitely partly is. BUT, and a big BUT, when I connect the mod without battery, it boots up as DNA200-Warranty service, and then shows watts and the profile adjustment-I just can't obviously use it till the battery comes. But due to getting the warranty error come up on device on connection to Escribe, is there something wrong inside the device? As I expected it to just show DNA200 then boot to the profile, not show warranty issue before it goes to that screen. Is it just because the chip remembers the last battery was a damaged one, and when I connect the working one it should be fine? I am sure it is not the fuse-as I have NOT messed up positive and negative at any point. So, anyone got any ideas? Is it just the battery-or does the whole unit need to go back? I am a bit scared of sending the whole unit back to China incase I never received another one in its place, as they are already sending me a new battery. I panic a lot due to my brain damage, (I am not bad, it just effected my emotions and thinking) and am scared I will get the new battery, and it won't work, and then I've chucked away nearly a hundred pounds. So, it is definitely NOT the fuse as someone here stated, I just want clarification it is indeed the battery-as even not connected I still get the warranty issue before it boots. I think I will put it away until I get the new battery otherwise I will just work myself up, over probably nothing. Hope you can help me out, Conan. AM I getting the error because no battery at all is connected? I am just trying to work out why I am still getting it.
  23. I am just going to have to wait up to a month for the replacement-a long while but I suppose thats what I get for going the cheapest route. Hopefully it will be smooth running after-plus I am going to get a second DNA200. Whats the Hcigar one like? I have seen that for £100-in the UK. If it is a solid mod I will go for that- if not I think the efusion is my other choice. That won't be till christmas though unfortunately-unless I order on Saturday-Not sure what to do, wait till christmas, or get it tommorow night ordered, the EFusion, Hmm decisions decisions.
  24. Ooh wow-that is a beaut! Any ideas when it is releasing? £149 would be my top end, I hope I can get it for that-over that is too much for me to invest in a mod to be honest and I will have to go with a cheaper option-the Hotcig DNA200 is already my most expensive mod, so Three 18650's sounds cool, I have well enough of them to add a few more to the collection lol. But EFusion does look good-I didn't know it had a bad recharge time-even with a dedicated charger is it awful? Or can you only charge at 1A via USB? Thanks everyone
  25. This is the other DNA200 I am likely to get from the UK, as I live in the UK. The design is different to the hotcig-which currently is unuseable due to the battery being DOA, saved in escribe but died after like 5 days. I am awating a replacement, but it may take a MONTH to get here from gearbest. They said they are sending tomorrow via china post and will give me a tracking number-lets hope they keep as promised, as china post usually arrives in 2-3 weeks, so it may not be a whole month I have to wait. Now I have used the DNA200, my other TC mods do not come close, and I own the Sig 75 (Awful battery life) the IPV D2(Ok for out and about) the Sig 150TC which is what I am actually using as it is the best at TC without the dna, and an XCUBE 2, should be called an Xcube poo as TC is pretty bad. I just can't wait to get the battery/new mod.
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