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Everything posted by dwaindablane

  1. Yeah, but it would be nice if you wanted the buttons to change the from the default orientation and flip them to match right/left mode.
  2. Thank you, Guys again for a newer version of the software. Love the fact you can now completely customize the default fields now. Kudos
  3. I think it's time for the moderators to lock this thread. Vaper, you offered your services and John has made it clear their stance on the subject ACCEPT IT DUDE. As I stated above most of the world use Windows, I personally use Windows and Linux and I like both for different reasons. But attacking them isn't going to help.
  4. What all you non windows users need to realise is that you are the minority, the majority use windows, thus most companies need to prioritise resources when making software. I see so many people complaining at the lack of support for operating systems other than windows, you knew when using a non window OS that software support would be greatly limited.
  5. Why are you being so rude Vaper, you made an offer, they will contact you if they want help.
  6. I can confirm that if powered by a non LiPo 12v battery or by a PSU and selecting power supply mode in the Escribe settings I'm still getting the flashing screen behaviour. Apart from the screen flashing, the board is fully working, fires a kanthol / NI200 build. Also seems to be fine connecting, downloading and uploading via the software without issues.
  7. In relation between a say 18650 2000mah and Lipo 900/1000mah what sort of differences are there in battery life?
  8. Cheers manu, what do the beta units have in them?
  9. This is looking like a more interesting board the with every post I'm seeing. Kudos to John/Brandon and the team on a fine board, cannot wait to get my hands on the software.
  10. Cheers John, looking forward to taking a look at the software, looks amassing
  11. Bapgood, Thanks for your reply I have already ordered the battery that Justin suggested as used in the Beta mods
  12. Hello Mr Evolv, Any idea when the software will be released? itching to take a look at the goodies
  13. Regarding batteries, does anyone know the exact requirements other than the documentation, I've linked a battery below but would be nice to get some feed back on suitable batteries. Turnigy_1000mAh_3S_30C_Lipo_Pack
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