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retird last won the day on April 8 2024

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  1. I just recently had a ticket resolved in sort order.... they have been great for over the ten years + that I've been around DNA's....If you don't hear from them in a few dsys start another ticket.... that's all...
  2. July 2 is a Saturday, July 3rd is a Sunday, and July 4 is a Holiday in the USA..could it be they are playing catch up?
  3. As a side note I also have a Hyperion 100C with over 39,000 puffs. I have uploaded many, many, many themes without issue and have not had this inverse color happened at al. If reverting back to the earliest firmware doesn't resolve the inverse color then just start a Ticket with Evolv.... https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  4. When you click on Help in EScribe and click on Backups and scroll down to the botton does it give the earliest backup that you can upload to get back to the original settings when you got the mod? From another thread I paste this: Under the help tab on top left of EScribe there is backups option, there you can choose a previous setting. You can revert to previous firmware under the Tools tab/Apply Service Pack, choose the one that you want and upload settings. This needs to be on the computer that you previously connecte...
  5. From reading the notes about that theme it could be that some Escribe setting could be changed. Did you download just the theme or the full escribe settings??
  6. Think I found the theme and will look at it.... Wondering if a "hard reboot" would do anything.....????
  7. THX I will try to fiind that theme. So you have a different color theme now and it is still inverted?
  8. Thanks for the additional information which gives a better view of what you are seeing. Which theme is this ? I want to look at it on one of my devices. @dwcraig1 gave good advice and Evolv Help Desk will guide you... Let us know what they say....
  9. There is no issue. The theme you have chosen to use was designed to have that color. You can go to the DOWNLOAD section of this web site and see many themes that you can use. Just upload the them into your device.using EScribe.. Download EScribe siftware to your computer... .https://www.evolvapor.com/escribe
  10. Is the male connector on the ribbon broken or is the female connector on the board that is broken? If it is the male connector replace the screen but if not replace the board.
  11. The capacitor would be built into the Evolv board and Evolv sells the completed boards to the device makers. What did Evolv tell you when you started a ticket with them? https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  12. I don't have a 250C with batteries that can be taken out to charge. Never had this issue you describe. I did take the battery out of my 100C after changing profile from profile 6 (default) to profile 1 and waited 1 minute and put it back. No change in profile (still profile 1) so I took out the battery again and waited 10 minutes and hit the fire button several times (to discharge a capacitor if it exhists) before putting the battery back in. The profile reverted to the profile 6 (default) which was selected when I uploaded the device from Escribe. I mentioned a capacitor in the other thread. I went a step further and from default profile 6 I changed in on the device to profile 1. Took out the battery and hit the fire button 5 times and immediately put it back in (within 25 seconds) and the profile went back to profile 6 (default). I think this proves a capacitor stores energy for a short period of time while changing battery without loosing the current profile you set on the device..... My take: I uploaded profile 6 from Escribe as my most used profile. I call this the default profile. Change it on the device to Profile 1. So I still say what I said in the other thread about a capacitor. Taking out the battery and reinstalling different charged battery within a short time causes no profile change but waiting 10 minutes, or until you charge a battery(s) will cause the profile change you moved to to go back to the default profile you originally uploaded to the device from Escribe. Try this exercise and report your findings.... From ESCRIBE the arrow points to the current profile (default uploaded to device). The profile you moved to on the device is only saved as long as the capacitor has energy with battery not installed.
  13. I'm curious about this as it hasn't happened to me. Have you taken out the battery and put it back in within 1 minute? What happened? I'm old but seems I recall there is a capacitor that stores a bit of current so you don't loose the setting. Guys correct me if I'm wrong. I charge all my batteries in the device..
  14. By not having a DNA60 I might suggest starting a Ticket with Evolv. Explain your situation to them as you did here. They are really good at replying back. Click on the link in my sig line below. The link to the right of the red wording. Fill out the form and send it.
  15. Can you adjust it from the "Screen" tab in Escribe under brightness? I don't own a dna60...
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