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Cabbage Evolv Dark 1.1.75

   (4 reviews)

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I am not even close to being an expert so i'm open to comments on how to make the menus better. Also if you have a request for the main lock screen icon that tailors to your favourite mod / atty i'm willing to give it a bash. include a colour too if that matters to you, i find darker themes with white menus work better.

What's New in Version 1.1.75   See changelog


Changed battery screen to accommodate 1 to 4 battery mods.


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Could you please make the theme compatible with DNA 75C mods because I really love the look of that theme? If I try to upload the theme via theme-manager I get an error message that the firmware of the MOD (Lost Vape Mirage 75C with newest SP) doesn't support features of the theme. I guess it's the powerbank setting...

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Hey really like the theme, Noob question though, How do I adjust the watt increments? Or is there even a way to do it? I know on the old escribe it was under the theme tab. But I cant find anywhere to do this. 

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Once you have set your Field, change  Source to Atomizer>Power. Press the options button next to it and you get decimal places and step size to play with.

Edited by SinisterCabbage
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Thank you very much for editing. Unfortunately it still shows the same error when trying to upload it on a 75C, so I guess it wasn't (just) the powerbank setting.

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Going to redo the 75c theme in the next 24hrs apparently the 75 doesnt support power bank, toggles or replay so ill remove them. Then Once you get you replay update you can just download the 250 version.

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@SinisterCabbage While you're at it for the 75C, this is a parallel board, and as such I do believe there's no individual battery monitoring (Battery Screen). I could be talking out my arse as I don't own a C board, but with 56 downlads maybe someone will chime in. :hand_splayed:

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Ok I need a favor. I am friends with the YouTube Reviewer AmbitionzVaper. He recently came out with an RDA and it has a Celtic Knot on it. If you could create a theme that has the knot and name Aequitas it would be amazing. He is really great guy and has helped a lot of people out so I would like to be able to do something for him in return. Well I mean you but you know what I mean. I have included the knot. 


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