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No mods being recognised- MacOS

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Hello everyone, I have recently got back into using my mods after a break of a few years due to health issues impacting me able to build, so was using a simple pod device during this time. 

I got all 4 of my DNA200's, and my DNA75, downloaded Escribe and thought I was all set. However, I get the error message that there is no device connected, if one is connected please try unplugging it and plugging it back in. 

I am on the latest version of MacOS on a M1 pro macbook pro, and using the latest version of Escribe. 

I have tried 3 different cables, and the mods all light up on screen from the USB power. 

Just for some reason none of them will connect to Escribe! 

Does anyone have any ideas what may be going on here, as I really would like to get into Escribe to alter some settings on my mods. 

Thanks in advance, Conan. 

Edited by Conanthewarrior
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19 hours ago, Wayneo said:

Yes, that's the latest. I just tested both a 75 & 200 on my M1 Air and both worked. It was the only thing plugged into my hub. Perhaps try different cables.



I have tried 3 different cables with the same results. 

The only consistent thing is the USB A to USB C converter dongle cables that I have, they work fine with everything else but is it possible they are being a bit funny when it comes to escribe? 

They are not the official Apple USB A to USBC/thunderbolt adapters, they are cheaper ones I got from Ebay. I am using the adapters as I have no USB C to USB Micro B cables that my DNA devices use, only USB A to USB Micro B. 

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2 minutes ago, Wayneo said:

I only have native C ports on my Air. I plug in to my hub an A to micro cable.

You might try turning your dongle 'C' cable around. Do you have any micro devices that pass data with your setup?

I have tried two different dongle adapters with 3 different other cables and still not being recognised by Escribe. 

Yes I do, I use the dongle to connect to an external hard drive for time machine backups and external storage on my MBP. 

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Update- this was me being a complete idiot. 

I received an Istick Pico today with Arctic fox custom firmware pre installed by the previous owner, but it was like new and boxed. 

I tried the included cable and all of my mods are now being recognised by Escribe- the three other cables I was using must have only been for power and not data transmission. 

So it is solved, it was all of the cables that were the issue. 

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