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TC issues with Hastur AIO DNA60 and TITA X RBA


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Hey, since i got the mod, i have noticed i cannot do any TC with that device. I'm using that AIO with TITA X boro rba.
Locking ohms doesn't help. Either i get crazy hot hits, or it shows TEMPERATURE PROTECTED no matter what i do.
My setup uses SS316L coil, which is 0,28 ohm. I tried other setups, checked for shorts, nothing helped. Checked resistance on other mod, that is on dna100, shows resistance without issues and TC works there if i screw that rba into it.
My device while in wattage mode shows 0,28 ohm, as soon as i go TC that resistance goes bananas. I've checked atomizer analyser, cold ohms show correctly but raw ohms seem to be incorrect(buggy?) I owned many devices with DNA chips, starting with DNA133(dna200), dna250c, dna100, i didn't have such issues with any of them.
Firmware Version: 1.2 SP8 INT, latest.
Either firmware is bugged, or device is faulty. Please help me with troubleshooting.




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45 minutes ago, cytrus224 said:

Locking ohms doesn't help. Either i get crazy hot hits, or it shows TEMPERATURE PROTECTED no matter what i do.

Locking ohms should not help, and the crazy hot hits are because of how YOU set the parameters.

When you checked on the 100, did you check with the rba all put together, but not in the boro?

Turn down the power to 30 watts, start device monitor (click/enable cold ohms and live ohms) and take a puff. Post a printscreen of that here. I believe it'll be the same as you have already described except no crazy hot hits.

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16 minut temu, Wayneo napisał:

Locking ohms should not help, and the crazy hot hits are because of how YOU set the parameters.

When you checked on the 100, did you check with the rba all put together, but not in the boro?

Turn down the power to 30 watts, start device monitor (click/enable cold ohms and live ohms) and take a puff. Post a printscreen of that here. I believe it'll be the same as you have already described except no crazy hot hits.

Weird thing is i cant show temperature on the graph. So i did short puff(green line).  30W, 185C, after it i cannot puff anymore, ive tried and "cold" ohms go to some nuts 0,4ohm value. Im getting temperature protected error as soon as i press fire, puffing before i press doesnt help. After i waited few mins to cool down device, live ohms are 0.42, wtf?
And yes, i checked with only the TITA RBA screwed into 510, and with the cap on. is working fine with my Hyperion dna100. I cannot obviously screw the boro tank into it.

Edited by cytrus224
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4 hours ago, cytrus224 said:

Either firmware is bugged, or device is faulty.

Do you have any other rba's you can try? Or, check your coil connections. I don't believe it's firmware.

3 hours ago, cytrus224 said:

Weird thing is i cant show temperature on the graph

Because your mod does not believe it's SS, so it's blasting you at the 60 watts you set.

If I look back at your atomizer analyzer, your .27 ohm coil was reading like .37. How much does that value fluctuate say, over a minute when running atomizer analyzer?

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17 hours ago, Wayneo said:

Do you have any other rba's you can try? Or, check your coil connections. I don't believe it's firmware.

Because your mod does not believe it's SS, so it's blasting you at the 60 watts you set.

If I look back at your atomizer analyzer, your .27 ohm coil was reading like .37. How much does that value fluctuate say, over a minute when running atomizer analyzer?

I don't have another boro RBA to give it a try sadly. I tried 3 ss316l coils last week, none of them worked. Heres the recording from analyser. My mod shows 0,28 ohm on the screen, while software thinks its 0,36 ohm coil. Something is definitely wrong.

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Your resistance change from cold to hot is way too much. Here are some things to be checking.

Make sure the positive post on the bottom of the RBA is screwed in tightly.

Is the positive on the RBA securely contacting the mods positive output, there have been cases where they barely contact because the legs of the boro box limits it.

It your hybrid drip tip tight enough and does the chimney of the RBA stick out at least a little on the top of the boro box.

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7 minut temu, dwcraig1 napisał:

Your resistance change from cold to hot is way too much. Here are some things to be checking.

Make sure the positive post on the bottom of the RBA is screwed in tightly.

Is the positive on the RBA securely contacting the mods positive output, there have been cases where they barely contact because the legs of the boro box limits it.

It your hybrid drip tip tight enough and does the chimney of the RBA stick out at least a little on the top of the boro box.

I tried everything. Wattage mode does not produce any problems, resistance reading on mod itself is fine on wattage. I don't know why atomiser analyzer is reading higher resistance than mod does.
Cold coil is 0,27 ohm, when puffing around 0,285-0,29ohm on 23 watts. 0,4ohm and higher is a bugged reading, coil is NOT HOT.

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Boro devices can be so finicky between devices and some boro/rba combinations just do not work well together, It could be flushnut, integrated drip tip, your coil having some little skarf that touches, length of rba, connection to the positive, etc. Having only 1 rba limits any sort of testing.

You could search around other forums for known problems but it's way too early to consider this a board issue. Unfortunately, neither of us own that device or rba.

Or, you can open an official 'Help Desk' ticket. Link below in my signature line.

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Noticed one weird thing. Ive set device to 6 watts on wattage, it reads 0,32 cold ohms. Ive then set it to 60W(max), it read 0,25 cold ohms.
I've also managed to test the rba on my DNA100c, it read 0,206 ohms. Didn't have any issues with TC.

I have no idea what to do now.

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