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[Ask] ODIN dna75C

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hello everyone,

i have odin 75c, but it reads a different resistance value than when i use centaurus 250c.

I use the same atomizer (artemis rta)

when installed in odin, cold ohm read 0.886ohm and when it puff live ohm read 0.874ohm (sometime cold ohm jump to 0.9ohm)

but when installed in centaurus, cold ohm read 0.827ohm. then live ohm read 0.820ohm (cold ohm is steady)

I think the 0.05ohm difference is not very significant, but the feel when it puff it's very lots of different (the feel, flavour, vapour), better with centaurus.

Is this due to a different firmware? or due to hardware differences?




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Unfortunately there's no easy answer, because more info is needed.

What is the coil material (wire)?
Are you vaping this in straight watts, or Temp Control, or Replay?

Instead of a mod screen photo, can you post a screenshot/printscreen of Device Monitor (of each mod) while firing with ONLY the same boxes as you see below. (Your numbers seem backwards)

"Is this due to a different firmware? or due to hardware differences?"
No, not usually. Both DNA mods should give almost the same experience, most of the time, in your case.



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