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How to Set the Unlock Code on the Mod

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Several themes have ability to change the unlock code. A few themes including the old HCigar theme did not have a status bar on the screen. This makes the feature useless. The status display shows the instructions during the code change. I have never seen a "How To" on changing the code. This picture tutorial shows how easy it is to do.

I am going be posting several theme and Theme Designer related picture based tutorials in the future. I am going to try to make them for the person who has never used EScribe or Theme Designer before. The tutorials topic should be of interest for more experienced users too. I hope! If you find them to be useful they can be copied off the screen and pasted to your info / theme notes folder for future reference. They save as a png or jpeg file.

If you have a suggestion for a Theme Designer or EScribe tutorial please post it here. I will monitor the thread and reply letting you know if I can make one for your topic. I want to do tutorials for the 75c and 250c only. The non color mods are covered very well on this forum.

I have a little over two years of experience with Theme Designer. I feel I know the ins and outs of the software and how it relates to the mod very well. One thing for sure I will not post bs just to post. If I do not know how to answer a question. I'll just say sorry I don't know.


Set or reset the unlock code.png

Edited by Jetro
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