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paranormal 250c update error


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26 minutes ago, James said:

When do you get the error?


26 minutes ago, James said:

When do you get the error?

Hi James,  It's very random, but usually not when it has gone into deep sleep, can be maybe after half an hour, I've been trying to work out what I maybe doing, I don't change Atty's or tanks very often, yesterday it did it twice, after the second time I removed the batteries and replaced, hasn't done it since, morning here in Australia and I just woke it up this morning, no problem, White screen with red letters when it happens - Cheers Bill

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same Problem. Whitescreen and error . Than Comes „press up“ . The Problem comes very random for me.  Bill told you the same Problem that i have. Its only on sp35 . With sp33 i dont have this Problems.  I usw. the standart theme. Everything is standart. I only update to sp35 int. Sorry for my Bad english . My device is the Triade dna250c

Edited by plauz3ee
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