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Constantly having to update resistance


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Hi All,

I am not new to temp control, having used a therion for quite a while. Bought a paranormal 250C cause of shinyitis, and have been building my own coils for a while now(all this information to rule out user error). Am on my third set of coils now, and the issue below persists.

I find that I am constantly having to remeasure my resistance before it will allow a proper vape. Otherwise I essentially hit the temp control warning immediately if the mod has sat for a while. I have it set to 10W with a temp limit of 400F.

I am using SS316L, diameter 25mm, with 5 coils. Impedance varies between 0.4-0.5 ohms and I find that I have to reread it constantly. I switch over to the therion, and this issue doesn't come up.

Any ideas as to why this may be happening? Stumped and looking for any insight. Thanks everyone!

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Still having this issue and cleaned the 510 connector and the 510 doesn’t seem loose. It’s a simple 5 coils round wire SS 316 build. It’s so frustrating. Reached out to the vendor. Maybe it’s the mod, but even then, what would cause this? So puzzling

Edited by impulso
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