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Therion 166 won’t turn on at all


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My therion wont turn on had fully charged batteries in it left it in my car for a bit then when to fire it.. nothing. Nothing happens when I plug it in to a wall or plug it in to a computer. It’s lifeless😢 a few days ago I had the check battery error but after a few hour it stopped displaying it and went back to normal is my box not working now cause of the error????? Please help I need to vape and I have no back up 😩

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Probably either a blown fuse or....the LV Therion's are notorious for having a bad connection on the bottom side of the battery sled. Either return to the vendor you purchased it from for a warranty replacement (if still in warranty), or you can try to disassemble it & fix it yourself (will void warranty if still in).  Here is a video showing one being taken apart....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjri569A-Qs

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