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Trouble with a new install


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Hi guys, 

I have my first DNA60 board on my hands now and it seems like i'm stupid. I soldered B+ and B- leads on to the board and the 5 wires to the external usb board. Then i soldered a battery trey on the wires but when i put in a battery nothing happens on the screen. I plugged the usb cord in and escribe recognizes the chip but still no reaction on screen. I have no connection made to the 510 connector yet.  So i opened a ticket with my supplyer and got it replaced. 

The new chip arrived and it is the same. So whats happening. I did a bunch of dna40 and dna200 builds but this?

I changed the directon of the screen also because i'm not sure how it's originaly has to go in there

Edited by Badazzchevy
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