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Lost Vape Drone Battery life

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Had this awesome mod for about a month and was wondering why the battery life is not as good as my Therion DNA75.

Using the same RDA with the exact same build (0.25Ohms) in TC at 75 watts on the same batteries (tried LG HG2 and Sony VTC6), pre hear at 75Watts as well on both mods. i noticed that the Therion DNA75 does not drain the batteries as fast with the same daily use. The Drone's DNA board is a 250 throttled down to a 166 if Im not wrong.

Appreciate any thoughts on how I can solve this issue? Thanks

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Thanks for replying @Wayneo and @giz_60

I have attached the screenshots of the 75 and 250. Indeed the values are not the same and also the battery curve.

Changed the cell soft cutoff to be the same on both. Also loaded the same battery curve.

I'll test and see if the 250 is ok. Thanks for the help

Screen Shot 2017-07-05 at 8.52.03 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-07-05 at 8.57.49 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-07-05 at 8.59.34 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-07-05 at 8.54.35 PM.png

Edited by turnthedamnwattsup
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Your 75 appears to give you better battery life (based on the screen) because it has much simpler battery management/display

On you drone you have it set for ~13Wh, so the display will be off.

Simple fix. Set your Wh's to say 22. When you get a check battery or you notice a weak vape, plug into escribe. Look at the Wh's it says you should have. Subtract that value (Around 3-6) from your 22. Your display will then be accurate.


PS Your Therion 'mod resistance' has not been set.

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