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ss316L micro coil for TC mode


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Therion 166 & VT75 nano


Does anyone having TC mode issue, such as going over temperature and burning coils and cottons when using micro coil with ss 316L?

I'm a big fan of micro coils for my kanthal so I decided to make micro coil for my SS316L and try TC mode.

24, 26, 28 g used. lightly pursed to get a hot spot with voltage around 3v.

I let it cool to room temperature, wicking and soaking and ready to vape BUT.... it just burns my coil & cotton by setting up a fire....

I thought it was a mod issue but when I use spaced coil, both mod works fine.

Anyone else having same issue????  and how you fix this problem??




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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know what is doing that in your case, but I can tell you what happened with mine...

I use almost exclusively 316L with mine. The only time I had a similar problem was when it inadvertently got taken out of Temperature Dominant mode. So basically what it did was fire at whatever I had the wattage set, regardless of the temperature setting. It was basically acting as if it was in power mode and wide open.. So, enabled Temperature Dominant for that profile again, and re-wicked, checked connections, etc.. After it was cool, got the mod to ask whether the coil was new or not, then I told it yes. At that point it's worked as intended to present.

Tell me more about your coil build and settings; give me an example of one of them. What gauge? What resistance? What inner diameter, etc.. What do you have the mod set at with regard to pre-heat power and and power. I don't use spaced coils so I wouldn't know much about that. I know some people have had problems with tight coils like I use, but mine seem to work fine barring some other problem like a bad connection or what have you..


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26g/2.5mm/8-10wraps to get around .5ohms/ temp range 370f ~ 450f/ micro coil

dry burn to get rid of hot spot using low voltage around 3v with short pulse.

I tried 50W, 75W, 100W preheat and they all had same issue so I tried with preheat turned off and got same result.

Mod used = VT75 nano, Therion 166 with LG HG2 batteries.

I thought it was an issue with my VT75 nano because when I put same coil on my Therion, it didn't have any issue but when I made a new coil and tried it on Therion, it was giving me same issue. I double checked my connection and tried with few different atomizers.

So after about 8-10 micro coils, I tried spaced and it works like a charm. 

TC mode is very confusing and I want to get this right because I've purchased all these different types of ss316l wires such as clapton, fused clapton, stapled, alien, and etc but these issues are holding me back and making me to use them with Power Mode only.


If you need more info, let me know

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Hmm.. Ok what I would do if you haven't yet done so, I would go even lower with pre-heat, or if not lower, set the time for a smaller interval than 1 second which is default I think. With the preheat at 50w the heat flux is about 458 mw/mm2 which is enough to burn the cotton almost instantly. So you would need to set it lower, or reduce the pre-heat time, or maybe both even. Then, I would make sure your power is set at less than 30w. It will likely take less than 20w to sustain the temp after it heats up that coil.


Then I would also make sure that you have the correct values in your device for that grade of stainless. If you don't have it, it is here.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3oppmfpfkvnlqm8/DNA200-SS_316-SteamEngine.csv?dl=1. If you'd rather use TCR than the .csv file, then set your TCR around .00094 and work from there. Be sure that anytime you change it you are working with a cooled to room-temperature coil or your results will be inconsistent and unfavorable.


As for why it works better with spaced coils, I couldn't tell you. I know some folks seem to have better luck in that configuration; I've been fortunate enough with tight coils that I haven't had any problems really.


Hope this helps.

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