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Vaporshark questions?


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Yea I was thinking the same thing.....man it would be nice to have Zip charging for sure....I also don't understand why they put the screen on the friggin bottom lol.....I mean especially with all the custom screens u can set and it being such a nice big display you would definitely want to be able to see them......I still like it though.....They also do not state anywhere what size the battery is although I'm pretty sure it's 900-1000 mah

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Just heard back from Vaporshark who said replacement batteries would be available "soon", but said I could order one from Evolv meantime, implying they're using the Fullymax (though they did not explicitly state that).  I'll just wait for theirs as it will presumably have the correct connectors already mounted. I won't be trying to hot swap though, I'm not sure thats a good idea. If you need more capacity I think planning to top up via USB or get a bigger capacity mod is a better bet.
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mknight said:

I ordered one and curious about the replacement batteries and a charger.  there is no way that battery will last me all day.

I'm using a Hyperion balance charger I already had for my RC LiPo's, once you get a LiPo charger and replacement batteries, you should be really happy with it.

I don't swap batteries, although I have a spare. It usually takes 15 - 25 minutes to charge my 2000 mah battery, depending on how much charge it has when I plug it up.

For me, being able to charge a huge battery in 20 minutes made me not want to bother with spending a few hours to charge 18650s, or swapping batteries, etc.

I can't recommend my battery charger model because it's overkill for vaping, but I already had it. But LiPo chargers are so inexpensive these days compared to when I started using LiPos back in 2008.

I would advise being more careful when charging these batteries, for example don't charge them under your pillow while you sleep, on your nightstand, in a hay barn, etc.
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