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Popped fuse in chip

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So I was putting my box together, and all of a sudden somehow I popped the damn fuse. I'm still no sure exactly what happened, but I do know what I was doing. I was soldering the wire for the fire button when it happened. Somehow it arc'ed but I have no idea how. What I don't understand is if it arc'ed to the other wire for the button it would have just fired it, right? Brandon, John, is there any way I can replace the fuse or get a chip swapped out? This sucks... I was one solder away from having it together but nooo, fate would not have it! Thanks, Hunter

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sorry this happened but really it's a good idea to try to not solder to a live board, you should solder everything first leaving the battery connection for last.

the fuse isn't a very hard surface mount thing to do, the fuse ends and pads are pretty large compared to most typical things that are surface mount, it's worth a shot to try if you can get the fuse   

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