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Last Temperature always in F, regardless of current Temperature units


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Yeah, I know, Centigrades have always been second-class citizens, and I can live with that, but you know, we Europeans tend to nitpick every now and then about the whole F vs C thing... :)

Seriously, don't know if this is by design or just a missing call to the "convertToUnitForThisProfile" function right before showing the last temperature, but it happens to always show it in Fahrenheit even though I've chosen Centigrade in the profile as the temperature unit.

Just a minor nitpick, but it would be good for my OCD if I could see "C" everywhere on the screen.. ;)

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AFAIK, the only temperatures that can be displayed in Celsius on the DNA 200 screen, are the Temperature Limit, and the Real Coil Temperature shown when firing the mod.

Board temperature and Room temperature do not show in Celsius. Last Temperature I'm uncertain about, and I can't check it right now.

If the C/F setting affected the Board and Room temperature values on the screen, I'm sure I'm not the only European who would appreciate that. 8)

(Celsius support would also be welcome in EScribe; in the custom TCR curve, the Mod tab, Atty Analyzer, Case Analyzer, and Device Monitor. Maybe through a Preferences setting in EScribe that is separate from the DNA200 profiles?)

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