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Fuming with Wismec-happy with rob from vapegeek though, EFusion coming in blue instead.


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Vap3on said:

Vapegeek have excellent service Rob is all good! The Efusion is a good unit its more of a pure box mod for me ;) after trying a Rolo its got great battery life but the weight, colour scheme and ergonomics are the negatives for me t but I am moving away from high power lung hitting and who hasn't got 30 mods to swap when the lipo is flat :) The cheap RX200 looks great in black i just can't understand why Rolo went with the crappy colours on the DNA200 its like the 1980s ;) or 2014 (Sx mini S class) and we are back to a zinc body which never holds it paint well. I have my doubts I will be able to stick in a DNA200 in the RX200 but we shall see and they are so cheap its worth ago!

Absolutely agree with the service Rob at Vapegeek gives out. I had a faulty vt200 from Rob and he has either phoned me or texted me with progress of the replacement (last text was today to tell me he has received it and posted it, so I will have it tomorrow! In the interim he sent me a silicone sleeve for it foc! Service like this is extremely rare nowadays and he will get all of my future orders
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I don't see any evidence to suggest that Wismec is abandoning the Reuleaux DNA200 for the future. Just looks like they're acknowledging that they're affected by the screen shortage just as much as other manufacturers are. 

The RX200 isn't a replacement of a threat to the DNA200, it's simply a way for them to help meet the massive demand for the product by offering people a significantly cheaper option. Those who really don't have any need of the advanced features and performance the DNA200 delivers can instead just buy an RX200, helping lower demand for the DNA200 allowing those who actually want one a better chance to get one.

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Personally, I feel that Wismec has just double-crossed the vaping industry. Basically, what they are saying is that, "while the high-demand evolv DNA200 boards are back-ordered due to lack of screens, we cannot afford to lose all the money you will be giving us for these devices, so what we will do... We will substitute our own cloned boards, and software, made here in China (you know, instead of USA) at a MUCH cheaper price, to placate you silly Americans" It really is a slap in the face to Evolv and Jaybo. Not only will I not be buying their crap board, I will not be buying the Wismec DNA200 version, either. I have seen the pics of the wiring job they have done. Resistors to jump circuits, soldering that looks like my 14 y.o. son did while he was sleeping.... No thanks. To this day - If I cannot shake the hand of the person that made the device I am sticking up to my face, I will not buy it. I have lost a TON of respect and trust for eastern manufacturers. Sorry, but it is true...

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You have to understand Wismec and Joyetech ties, it's like saying we won't use our own in house tech. Many would successfully argue two points: 1. Pricing vs Market share and 2. Simplicity vs Complexity. Demand, there simply are more people willing to pay $50 for a decent Mod than $150. Overly complexity, while there are Enthusiasts out there only a small fraction of a small fraction truly understand the DNA 200 board. I ran across a salesman at my local vape shop that had no idea how to load profiles, and not everyone owns a PC. What I'd like to see is other Modder's recreate the 'Reuleaux' form factor and LMFAO if you think it's an original design! One example is the Tres Equis Triple...

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