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Premature TC

Morgan MD

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Hey guys,

I was hoping some of the veterans around here could give me some tips here as I can't quite understand why I'm having this problem.

Let me start by saying that I have 12 months experience with the DNA40 in TC mode and have had 2 DNA200 powered mods for a month now, I have built 100's of coils with different wire types/sizes and have a pretty good understanding of what to expect.

Basically, I feel like I am hitting temp WAY too easily/quickly

On an atomizer that has proven to be stable for me (Authentic Kayfun Lite), single 26g NI200 prefectly spaced on a 3mm machine screw comes in a .07 ohms.

Using that atomizer on a DNA40 I ran it at 40w 460 degrees on a Vaporflask, it would run 40 watts for a moment, then settle at about 30-33w for the rest of the puff. With the top screen I could watch in real time as I puffed and it was repeatable for multiple puffs in a row, 40w setting at 30-33w and was satisfying.

Bumping up the overall wire size slightly to twisted 28g with everything else equal it would run 40w initially, then settle about at 33-35w, again, very satisfying.

At the same time, switching to a thinner wire (Single 28g), it would run 40w very briefly, then settle at about 23-27w.

On the DNA 200, same atomizer, same 26g NI coil, same resistance reading, preheat turned basically off, I set it to 40w, it runs 40w for a split second then settles at 22w and is a weak vape, I jack the temp up from 460 to 500+ deg and it's still weak, it wont run more and 22-24w once it's hit temp.

I've even bought some 24g titanium and I get the same results, I set it to even 30w and it runs that for a split second then straight down to 22-23w. I have tried this on a authentic Hurricane RTA and a Lemo 2, both which have been very stable, no resistance creep to speak of, but all of them hit TP way too easily.

I know if the resistance is incorrectly reading high, the temp is off and you wont hit the limit but I feel mine is reading incorrectly low and hits it way too easily, what are your thoughts, I'm pulling my hair out here.

What am I doing wrong?

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it don't sound like much cuz it  works, fires and recognises temp, I understand what your saying entirely, when ever ive had that happen to me its either been a shitt connection or dry burning cuz the tanks empty..
 sorry if some of the things I say may sound obviouse, but sometimes we can all overlook the simplest thing, and then some one els will just let it slip.

could it be taking a reading from someware other than the coil, like shorting out, poor connections, I know the lemo has got center pin issues, after a few builds it looses contact with the base of build deck and also gets juice inclusions around there, am not familure with the hurricane but googled a picture and can see it has a screw in center pin, if that goes all the way up to the build deck I would stick with that until you suss out whats going on.

I don't believe the issue at the moment is how many watts it is using to maintain a temperature, because if you wanted to take a steady drag at say 450 and it only took 5 watts to hold it there it wouldn't realy matter because you would still be getting your 450 hit. (I reiterate what you said, your mod thinks its up to temp but the coil is week,)

again, the way my head works is :-- something is less resistant than the coil and this is where the reading is tacking place rather than at the coil. (loose connection)

have you looked inside them and checked that the wires ground and out are well solderd from board to 510 & 510 center pin is free traveling springy, (if sprung not screw type)
have the mods not performed since you had them?
have you built them?
have you updated them on escribe and set and checked all perameters (only realy your battery settings, and general tab nickel 200 when using ni leave everything els at default, & don't lock ohms)

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also notice using 26 awg on a kayfun, is just about borderline for the standard screws to hold in place, and you i'm sure you know have to look under the coil leads to make sure you have plenty of clearance from the ground side across to centre power out, I fasten the screws, leave the mandrel in the coil and then use a small awll or small screwdriver to prise that ground lead up well clear, I never had to do it on a dna 40, and im never that particular about my wrap spacing, moor careful that nothing is going to move about once the mod has took a reading.. 

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black lace said:

it works, fires and recognises temp, I understand what your saying entirely, when ever ive had that happen to me its either been a shitt connection or dry burning cuz the tanks empty..

This is repeatable on every coil I make, I have already tried different heights above the air hole, fewer/greater wraps, very tight connections, tight connections, looser wick, tight wick, more/less cotton etc, it's as if all my tanks are nearly bone dry and it's throttle back a bit too much.

black lace said:

could it be taking a reading from someware other than the coil, like shorting out, poor connections, I know the lemo has got center pin issues, after a few builds it looses contact with the base of build deck and also gets juice inclusions around there, am not familure with the hurricane but googled a picture and can see it has a screw in center pin, if that goes all the way up to the build deck I would stick with that until you suss out whats going on.

The original Lemo was quite crap with TC, the centre pin wasn't up to task and you would get resistance fluctuations, i'm using a Lemo 2 which has been flawless, on the DNA40 I would build a spaced coil and it'd work flawlessly, ohms didn't move, then after about a month it might jump .01 ohm, I would clean the coil, rewick, rescan coil and it'd be back to it's original resistance, with the Lemo 2 base screwed together tight, the thing has been rock soild and the atomizer doesn't deserve the bad wrap it gets, it's a great bang for buck tank.

black lace said:

I don't believe the issue at the moment is how many watts it is using to maintain a temperature, because if you wanted to take a steady drag at say 450 and it only took 5 watts to hold it there it wouldn't realy matter because you would still be getting your 450 hit. (I reiterate what you said, your mod thinks its up to temp but the coil is week,)

That is my number one issue, it doesn't make sense that with wide open airflow and only 30 watts and it hits temp instantly and throttles back to 20w, something is wrong, 24g wire can handle a lot more than 30 watts, even setting it to 500 deg, 30 watts it lasts 1 second and settles at 20w, if I was using 28g wire, or 30g wire I would agree with you, but the wattage is way too low for such a thick wire, 24g should take a ton more power to make it hit TC, not 30w for a split second, thats probably the best way I can describe it, my 24g wire is behaving like 30g wire.

black lace said:

have you looked inside them and checked that the wires ground and out are well solderd from board to 510 & 510 center pin is free traveling springy, (if sprung not screw type)
have the mods not performed since you had them?
have you built them?
have you updated them on escribe and set and checked all perameters (only realy your battery settings, and general tab nickel 200 when using ni leave everything els at default, & don't lock ohms)

The mods are a Wismec Reuleaux and a Boxer 133w, both bought pre assembled and both perform the same, I have the same pre-heats/settings for both.

My only thought is possibly, if my connections are way too tight, are hot spots at the terminals a possibility, It's my last hope.

black lace said:

also notice using 26 awg on a kayfun, is just about borderline for the standard screws to hold in place, and you i'm sure you know have to look under the coil leads to make sure you have plenty of clearance from the ground side across to centre power out, I fasten the screws, leave the mandrel in the coil and then use a small awll or small screwdriver to prise that ground lead up well clear, I never had to do it on a dna 40, and im never that particular about my wrap spacing, moor careful that nothing is going to move about once the mod has took a reading..

I have upgraded my screws to ones with a bigger head, I can hold 24g now, once I screw down the coil I remove the screw, and give the leads a little tug to see any movement, I can even twist/tug the leads until they break and the coil doesn't move, although I normally don't do that, I clip the leads mostly.

Thanks for the tips.

Any other ideas guys?

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